Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/324

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304 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 82. 1858. For fuel, light, and miscellaneous items, four thousand dollars. Building ¤¤¤‘¤¤1‘ For the general purposes of the Buikling corner of F and Seventeenth €;°EtQ’§‘£§,;?°' Streets.-For compensation of superintendent, four watchmen, and two laborers for said building, three thousand eight hundred and nfty dollars. And the compensation of superintendent may be allowed to the clerk who has performed, or may hereafter perform, the duties of that office; the allowance to be made to such superintendent, with his salary as clerk, not to exceed two thousand dollars. For fuel, compensation of firemen, and miscellaneous items, four thousand eight hundred dollars. Navy Depart- Navy Departmen¢.—For compensation of the Secretary of the Navy, ¤¤°g*· t , and the clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, and laborer in his office, °%l£c°::y S twenty-nine thousand six hundred dollars. Bureau ofyards For compensation of the chief of the bureau of navy-yards and docks, wd d°°k" and the clerks, messenger, and laborer in his office, fourteen thousand one hundred and forty dollars. oforduance and For compensation of the chief of the bureau of ordnance and hY‘h`°g"‘PhY‘ hydrography, and the clerks, messenger, and laborer in his office, twelve thousand three hundred and forty dollars. <>f_c<>¤¤¤¤·¤<=¤ig¤. For compensation of the chief of the bureau of construction, equip-

g;;_§’;°"t‘°’" ment, and repairs, and of the engineer-in-chief, and the clerks, messenger, and laborers in his office, twenty-one thousand three hundred and

forty dollars. of prov_iSi<>¤S For compensation of the clerks, messenger, and laborer in the bureau md °1°°h"’g' of provisions and clothing, eight thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. of medicine For compensation of the chief of the bureau of medicine and surgery, and S“r9°"Y· and the clerks, messenger, and laborer in his office, nine thousand tive hundred and forty dollars. Comin <-mcies Oontingent E enses o the N D rtment.—— gieggvy €)°P"°` IP Oliihe Secraggry bifathe Navy : For blank books, binding, stationery, newspapers, periodicals, and miscellaneous items, two thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. Bureau of yards and docks: For stationery, books, plans, and drawings, eight hundred dollars. Bureau of ordnance and hydrography : For blank books, stationery, and miscellaneous items, seven hundred and fifty dollars. Bureau of construction, equipment, and repairs: For blank books, binding, stationery, printing, and miscellaneous items, eight hundred dollars. Bureau of provisions and clothing: 1For blank books, stationery, and miscellaneous items, seven hundred do lars • Bureau of medicine and surgery: For blank books, stationery, and miscellaneous items, four hundred and fifty dollars. cc§%:?mig£§j For the general Purposes of the Southwest Executive BuiZding.——For compensation of four watchmen of the southwest executive building, two thousand four hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said building, viz: For labor, fuel, lights, and miscellaneous items, three thousand nine hundred and thirteen dollars. Post-Omoo Post- Office Department.—For compensation of the Postmaster-General, D°P”·"*‘“°“”· three Assistant Postmasters-General, and the clerks, messenger, assistant messengers, watchmen, and laborers of said department, one hundred and fifty-seven thousand eight hundred dollars. C<>¤ti¤gS¤¤i¤¤ Contingent expenses of said department: gc££_O‘ °P'm" For blank books, binding, and stationery, fuel for the General Post- Oiiice building, including the Auditor’s Office, oil, gas, and candles, print-