Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/332

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312 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 93, 122. 1858. (city,) St. Paul de Loanda, (Angola,) Monrovia, Gaboon, Cape Haytien, Aux Cayes, and Amoor River, one hundred and seventy-three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. _ tnterpretors in For interpreters to the consulates in China, four thousand five hundred ch““‘ dollars. Commission to For compensation of the commissioner, secretary, chief astronomer. and vrxfhépgxngffg surveyor, assistant astronomer and surveyor, clerk, and for provisions, ain on washing. transportation, and contingencies of the commission to run and mark the

    • >¤ T°¤i€°Y>’· boundary line between the United States and the British possessions

_ _ bounding on Washington Territory, seventy-one thousand dollars. U &°C':]:(§;*fig’¢:}f*• For compensation and per diem of the commissioner, compensation of ,,,.6,,,, ,,8,,, the surveyor, and for the payment of all expenses of the commissioner with (great Iiiit- under the reciprocity treaty with Great Britain, twenty-three thousand °‘“‘° dollars. Approved, June 5, 1858 June 8, 1868. CHAP. CXXII.—An Act to coryirm the Sak of the Reservatnbn held by the Christian '_`_"""_‘ Indians, and to provide a permanent Honw for said Indians. Preamble- Whereas, by the thirteenth article of a treaty made and concluded at Washington on the sixth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and Vol X pr 1051 fifty-four, between the United States of America and the Delaware Indians, `° a grant of four sections of land was made to the Christian Indians, for which a patent was to be issued to the said Indians, " subject to such restrictions as Congress may provide ;" and whereas a patent was so issued to them on the twenty-first day of May, eighteen hundred and nfty-seven; and whereas it fully appears, by the evidence and papers on Hle before the Committee on Indian Affairs, that the four sections of land set apart by said treaty was, on the twenty-ninth day of May, eighteen hundred and iitty-seven, sold and conveyed by said Christian Indians to one A. J. lsacks for the consideration of forty-three thousand four hundred dollars, which sum was a fair consideration for said lands: Therefore- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United sine of land States of America in Oengress assembled, That upon the payment of the $°¤g§;‘Eg gzéhs said sum of forty-three thousand four hundred dollars by the said _A. P,,y,,,g $j,8,,00_ Isacks to the Secretary of the Interior, for the use and benefit of said Christian Indians, within ninety days from the passage of this act, it shall tlgpn be the duty of the President of the United States to confirm said s e. €1'<><=¤¤<}§·dh°W Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Interior t° 6 app IGbe, and he hereby is, authorized and required to receive the proceeds of the sale of the said four sections of land, and apply the same as follows: that is to say, so much thereof as may be necessary to the purchase of a suitable tract of land for a permanent home for the Christian Indians, the erection of the necessary buildings for their accommodation, and the purchase of stock, agricultural implements, and whatever else may be necessary to establish them thereon ; the balance of the said fund to be invested by the Secretary of the Interior in safe and profitable stocks, the interest whereof shall be applied to the support of a school among the said Chris- Lian Indians. Land bought, Sec. 3. And be itfurt/ter enacted, That, whenever the Christian Indians ggcggn Ptffe desire it, the tract purchased under the provisions of the preceding section vided gzyngug the shall be divided among them, under the direction of the President of the ]¤di¤¤¤ when United States, to be held in severalty and with all the rights incident to 2. th€y,i1:€$§6_ foe-simple estate: Provided, That the said tracts, when so divided, shall be forever inalienable by the grantees or their heirs, except with the consent and approval of the President of the United States. Approved, June 8, 1858.