Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/34

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14 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 29. 1856. Mexico, and the Atlantic and Pacific; and for procuring water at such posts as from their situation require that it be brought from a distance, and for clearing roads and removing obstructions from roads, harbors, and rivers, to the extent which may be required for the actual operations of the troops on the frontier, one million dollars. Judiciary. For defraying the expenses of the supremeycircuit, and district courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia; also for jurors and witnesses in aid of the funds arising from fines penalties and forfeitures incurred in the fiscal year ending the thirtietli of June; eighteen hundred and fiftytsix, and previous years ; and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, and of prosecutions for offences committed against the United States, and for the safe-keeping of prisoners, two hundred thousand dollars. AS,.,c,,m,,.,,i For the collection of agricultural statistics, investigations for promoting statistics. agriculturedandd;·uralbeoon0my, and the procurement and distribution of cuttinvs an see to e expended under the direction of the commimioner of patbnts, thirty lhousand dollars. bb Minnesota_ For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly for the Territory of Minnesota, six thousand dollars. New Maxim For contingent expenses of the Territory of New Mexico, and to grmglg the governor to employ an interpreter or translator, five hundred nomic amen, For filling up and draining the grounds in the vicinity of the national green—houses, known as the Botanic Garden, and for walling the creek ylvlpch passes through the same, five thousand six hundred and fifty o ars. pubiic g,0u,,ds_ P lzor cop_t;puin%hp giggding pganting with trees the unimproved or ions o e m en thousand 0 rs. For construction lof a sewer in Judiciary Square, six thousand dollars. For placing the sewer openings along Pennsylvania Avenue under the footway, and trapping the same, eight thousand dollars. · piiiiiii, buiid. For repairing old portion of the Patent-Omce Building, constructing mss- watenclosets therein, and casual repairs of ’the east wing of said building, four thousand dollars. For an additional furnace erected for the librar y of Congress, tive hundred dollars. For finishing the portico and exterior of the west win _ _ g of the Patent- Oflice Building, to pay the reservations due, put up iron railinrr, and lay gpryiéndtlip necessary flagging and pavements, one hundred and fifty th0u· o ars. G Sec. 2. And be it _/Iurther enactd, That the joint resolution of Congress Mggyspgpmeem ftohfix the compensation of the employees in the legislative department 0 the government, and to prohibit the allowance of the usual extra comppnsation to such as receive the benefits thereof]" approved the twentieth VOLXI p-5% ph_r·l1u% eighteen hundred and dfty-four, and the provision in the act of 1855, 6h_ U5_ 1_ arch, eighteen hundred and flfty-tive, which authorizes the appli- V0i_ X_ p_ 651_ cation of the benefits of said resolution to apply to the librarian and l8F;?£l;?;l=2E)$_;l.ass1stants and messenger in the library of Congress, be so construed as to allow giem twenty per centum· upon the compensation provided by the pevent zection of the act of fourth August, eighteen hundred and dfty- Ollrlgrlglligilcmcg; approlpriationsi for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Pay 0,.pl_,¤m_ a> h _ , an the said Joint resolution shall not be construed to apply theta. etpublic prénter for either branch of Congress; and that so much of Blank books ac approve the third of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, as Sm., for depart; gequires all blank books, binding, and ruling for the several executive ments_ thpagtments shall be furnished under the direction and supervision of P6;1 0(ppermtendent of Public Printing be, and the same is hereby. re-