Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/344

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324 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 154. 1858. eighty-five thousand dollars; at Cincinnati, Ohio, fifty thousand dollars; Annual nepairs. at Galena, Illinois, five thousand dollars ; and for annual repairs at marine Pmviso. hospitals, fifteen thousand dollars: Provided, That no portion of the sums herein appropriated for the completion of custom-houses and marine hospitals excepting those for Charleston and New Orleans, shall be expended until the Secretary of the Treasury shall be satisfied that the sums respectively appropriated will complete the buildings for which they are intended and until arrangements shall be made to carry this into effect. F¤¤<>i*{g» {gw- For fencing, grading, paving, and furnishing the custom—houses at the

§g,£,";i;21,§_ following places, viz: At Ellsworth, Maine three thousand dollars; at

houses. Bath, Maine, (for furniture alone,) eleven hundred dollars ; at Burlington, Vermont, four thousand six hundred dollars; at New Haven, Connecticut, eight thousand five hundred dollars ; at Oswego, New York, seven thousand three hundred dollars; at Plattsburg, New York, nine thousand nine hundred dollars; at Newark, New Jersey, five thousand two hundred dollars; at Alexandria, Virginia, three thousand seven hundred dollars; at Norfolk, Virginia, twelve thousand dollars; at Mobile, Alabama, (for furniture alone,) two thousand six hundred dollars; at Pensacola, Florida, two thousand Eve hundred dollars; at St. Louis, Missouri, fourteen thousand six hundred dollars; at Louisville, Kentucky, three thousand nine hundred dollars; at Cleaveland, Ohio, seven thousand one hundred dollars ; at Galena, Illinois, three thousand seven hundred dollars; at Milwaukie, 'Wisconsin, seven thousand seven hundred dollars. Fencing, (gc. For fencing, grading, paving, and furnishing the marine hospitals at the

 following places, viz: at Burlington, Vermont, three thousand four hunhOSpimls_` dred dollars; at Chelsea, Massachusetts, (out.-buildings, grading and fencing,) nineteen thousand seven hundred dollars; at St. Mark’s, Florida,

twelve hundred dollars ; at Detroit, hlichigan, seven thousand five hundred dollars; at Galena, Illinois, three thousand eight hundred dollars; at Burlington, Iowa, four thousand one hundred dollars. Portraits of To enable the Library Committee to complete the payments for a series Pf°Sid°¤¤· of portraits of the Presidents of the United States, contracted for under J. T. Barclay`;; authority of Congress, and for framing the same, five thousand dollars. £:¤*;>;u1;,¤;;¥g};: For paying the expenses of the commissioners appointed in pursuance ing U_ S_ coins} of élgzfgioint resolution of the twentéy-sixthhof Februmy, 'eiglgtelgn hundiied .·1me,p.254. an y—seven, to enquire into an test the process 0 .. arcla or preventing the counterfeiting the coins of the United States, in additidh to the sum appropriated by said resolution, eight hundred dollars. Printingdining For printing ordered by the Senate and House of Representatives

?gS;;*S_3‘*‘h °°”· during itllre thirty-thirdj aind thirty-fourth congresses, and paper for the

same, eig ty thousand dollars. Binding, eu- For binding documents ordered to be printed by the House of Repre-

 sentatives during the thirty-third and thirty-fourth congresses, and tor

ments_ engravings, lithographs, and electrotypes for the same, one hundred and t.wenty-three thousand dollars.

gz- 'For binding documents ordered to be printed by the Senate during the
0;m€°‘A0cu_‘ thirty-third and thirty·fourth oongresses, and for engravings, lithographs,

ments. 3113 electrotypes for the same, one hundred and thirteen thousand 0 ars. statistics of To enable the Secretary of the Interior to complete the dyest of the

 statistics of manufactures according to the returns of the seventh census,

wlwg? three thousand five hundred dollars, but the work is not to be undertaken unless the Secretary of the Interior shall be satisfied that the sum hereinbefore mentioned will complete the work. _ Rvmirs of jail For making the necessary repairs to the in Washington city, and Etta “Sl““S*°’* putting Iyenetian blinds to the windows, the sum of eight hundred and orty onars. n,I;(f3:]§lll;‘;;“gu · To pay the draughtsman employed by the committees on public buildpug,|;(, ;m;;,fi,,g,,_ ings and grounds of the two houses of Congress, for drawings and calcu-