Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/400

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380 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 22. 1859. dred and fifty-seven, to wit: “For expenses of packing and distributing the congressional journals and documents, in pursuance of the provisions contained in the joint resolution of Congress approved twenty-eighth Jan- A,,,,,p_ 25g_ uary, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, twenty-two thousand dollar-s," 33 remains unexpended, is hereby appropriated. Register there- Sec. 3. And be it farther enacted, That a register of such journals, Ego? b° gfggplg books, and other documents shall be kept under the authority of the Sec. nnd delivery. retary of the Interior, showing the quantity and kind of each at any time received by him in pursuance of this act; and it shall be his duty to be caused to be entered in such register, at the proper time, when, where, and to whom the same, or any part of them, have been distributed and delivered, and to report the same to Congress at the Erst session of each Coneress. Te be deiiYe¤e<i Sho. 4. And be it further enacted, That the same shall be delivered out ggjdisggojgmgig by the Secretary of the Interior only on the written requisition of the cept, &¤. i heads of departments, Secretary of the Senate, Clerk of the House of Representatives, Librarian of Congress, and other officers and persons, private and corporate, who are, by law, authorized to receive the same, except where by law the Secretary of the Interior is required, without such requisition, to cause the same to be sent and delivered; and in either of such cases it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to cause Expense or the same to be sent and delivered, the expenses thereof, except when

 h°W otherwise directed, to be charged on the contingent fund of the depart-

' ment. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That all such journals, books, and Distribution by other documents, shall hereafter be distributed according to and for the Zijgfim °f In` purposes now prescribed by law, except that the distribution of the same to the governors of the States and Territories and to the judges of the courts of the United States and other officers and public bodies within the States or Territories shall be wholly under the control of the Secretary of the Tnterior; and the joint resolution approved March twenty, eight- Agjpeaiggg Res- [een] hundred and fifty-eight, supplementary to the joint resolution ap- ’ p'proved January twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, respecting the distribution of certain documents, is hereby repealed; and the third section of said joint resolution of January twenty-eight, eighteen hundred Amendment of and fifty-seven, is hereby amended by striking out the words " by him " Res. in the last line, and inserting the words " to him by each of the senators A'”e» P- 253- from the several States, respectively, and by the representative in Congress from each congressional district, and by the delegate from each Proviso. Territory in the United States."And provided, That such distribution shall first be made at the instance of the representatives in Congress from districts in which such public documents have not already been distributed so that the quantity distributed to each congressional district and territory shall be equal. 1846, ch. 178, 9 Sec. 6. And be it_)‘iuther enacted, That the tenth section of an act en- 103,0] ix titled "An act to establish the ‘ Smithsonian Institution ’ for the increase . . p. 106. . . . and diffusion of knowledge among men," approved August tenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, is hereby repealed. Wilkes. Ex_ Sec. 7. And be itfurtber enacted, That by this act the distribution of p1oi·ingExpedi- all works mentioned in the first section as public documents is intended

  • ‘°“ °X°°P”°d· and directed to be made, except the “Exploring Expedition " conducted

by Commander Wilkes. Sec. 8. And be it j·i1.rther enaeieeh That all books, maps, charts, and other publications of every nature whatever heretofore deposited in the m§;*g°';Pg;;y_ Department of State according to the laws regulating copyrights, together rights t,,,,,,;-,,,.,.,,,; with all the records of the Department of State in regard to the same, from State De- shall be removed to, and be under the control of the Department of the P;;:;;:: B}-1:,; Interior, which is hereby charged with all the duties connected with the interior. same, and with all matters pertaining to copyright, in the same manner