Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/433

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THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I1. Ch. 80. 1859. 413 Nodheast Executive BuiZding.——For compensation of four watchmcn N._E._Exccutive and two laborers of the northeast executive building, three thousand six B“‘ld‘"g· hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said building, viz; for fuel, light, repairs, and miscellaneous expenses, four thousand five hundred dollars. Treasury DeparLment.—Fo1‘ compensation of the Secretary of the Dgfgfaggb Treasury, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, clerks, messenger, assist- Seigmmvs ant messenger, and laborers in his office, forty-flve thousand two hundred mince. and sixty-two dollars and eighty-four cents. For compensation of the First Comptroller, and the clerks, messenger, 15* G0mP¤'*>ll¢*`¤ and laborers in his office, twenty-eight thousand three hundred and forty °m°e‘ dollars. For compensation of the Second Comptroller, and the clerks, messen- 26 C<>mP¤‘0U¢¤"¤ ger, and laborer in his office, twenty-six thousand eight hundred and forty °m°°‘ dollars. For compensation of the First Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, 1“t·26’§;l;t°”" assistant messenger, and laborer in his office, thirty-tive thousand nine ` hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the Second Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, 2d A&*idl*°*’$ assistant messenger, and laborer in his office, thirty-five thousand five ° °°' hundred and forty dollars. _ For compensation of the Third Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, Sd Qgiiémris assistant messenger, and laborers in his office, one hundred and thirty ` thousand one hundred and forty dollars. _ For compensation of the Fourth Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, mi $£‘;;t°"“ and assistant messenger in his office, twenty-seven thousand seven hun- ` dred and nineteen dollars and thirty-six cents. _ _, For compensation of the Fifth Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, and Bm 5g33m S laborer in his otliice, seventeen thousand eight hundred and thrty dollars. For compensation of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post-Ofizice Omcé of Audi- Department, and the clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, and laborers grgfegj O' D°` in his office, one hundred and seventy-two thousand three hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the Treasurer of the United States, and the clerks, '1‘reasurer’¤ Of. messenger, assistant messenger, and laborers in his office, twenty-seven 6*- thousand two hundred and thirty-one dollars and thirty cents. _ _ For compensation of the Register of the Treasury, and the clerks, R°g‘SmS°m°°· messenger, assistant messenger, and laborers in his office, fifty-one thousand five hundred and forty dollars. _ _ , For compensation of the Solicitor of the Treasury, and the clerks and S°h°’t°r ° °E°°' messenger in his office, seventeen thousand one hundred and forty dollars. Om f cc For compensation of the Commissioner of Customs, and the clerks, missiogzgcf C5]; messenger, and laborer in his office, twenty thousand four hundred and toms. forty dollars. Om f L, M For compensation of the clerks, messenger, and laborer of the Light· housshgudjg ` house Board, nine thousand two hundred and forty dollars. Contingencies Contingent Expenses of the Treasury Depanment.— Secret ,s ` In the office of the Secretary of the Treasury: ,,,5:3 For copying, blank books, stationery, binding, sealing ships’ registers, translating foreign languages, advertising, and extra clerk hire for pre- E¤tr¤·¤1erksparing and collecting information to be laid before Congress--said clerks to be employed only during the session of Congress, or when indispensably necessary to enable the department to answer some call made by either house of Congress at one session to be answered at another; and no such extra clerk shall receive more than three dollars and thirty-three and one YW- third cents per day for the time actually and necessarily employed—and for miscellaneous items, twelve thousand dollars. -