Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/473

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LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. vii Pnzc John Jlhtchell, pensnbn q/Z An act for the relief of John Mitchell, of the District of Columbia. Feb. 7, 1857, ch. 39 . ... . ... . . . 492 C7carter xy Wremenis Insurance Company, extended. An act to extend the charter of the president and directors of the "Fircmcn’s Insurance Company of Washington and Georgetown, in the Disuict of Columbia? Feb. 7, 1857, ch. 40 ... . . 492 Edmund H M:Cube, representatives of authorized to enter certain land. An act for the relief of the lcgnl representatives of Edmund H. McCabe, assignee of Antoine Soulard. Feb. 7, 1857, ch.41 . . . .. . ... ... . ... . .. 495 Mazy Reeside, paymem to. An act for the relief of Mary Reosida. Feb. 7, 1857, ch. 42 . 495 Kentucky Asylum, Qc., time of selling land q/Q extended. An act; to extend the time for selling the lands granted to the Kentucky Asylum for touching the deaf and dumb. Feb. 7, 1857, ch. 43 .. . . .. . 496 Joseph D. Beers, payment to. An act for the relief of Joseph D. Beers, of the city of New York. Fa-1b.10, 1857,ch. 44 . . ... . . .. . .. . . ... 496 Jlfartin Millett, preemption mhyqf confirmed. An act for the relief of Martin Milletts, of Iowa. Feb. 16, 1857, ch. 47 . . 496 Jnnathan Painter, pension q/Z A11 act for the relief of Jonathan Painter, a black mom, who ached as aa. spy in the war of eighteen hundred and twelve. Feb. 16, 1857, ch. 48 .. 497 Washington Insurance Company, incorporated. An act to incorporate an insurance company in the city of Washington. Feb. 16, 1857, ch.49. . . ... . ... . 497 George Bucknam, payment to. An act providing for the regular transmission of the mail on route six thousand eight hundred and forty-two. Feb. 17 , 1857, ch. 51 . . ... . . . 500 Dr. Jamcs1brrow, payment to. An act for the relief of Dr. James Morrow. Feb. 18, 1857, ch. 52. . . 500 Clinton Guards, settlement of accounts qjf An act for the relief of the 0£cers and rivates of the "Clint0u Guards," of the county of Macomb, in the State of Michigan. gab. 18, 1857, ch. 53 .. . . . .. 500 William Craig, pension zf An act for the relief of William Craig. Feb. 18, 1857, ch. 54. . . . 501 Colonel John Hardin, pa nt toheirs 4f An act for the relief of the heirs of the late Colonel John Hardin. Ileb. 21, 1857, ch. 58. ... 501 Mary B. Wlnship, ension of An act; for the relief of Mary B. Wiuship, widow of Oscar F. Winship. 26, 1857, ch. 59 ... . 501 John C'. 15k00mm1I, payment to. A11 act for the relief of John C. McConnell. March 2, 1857, ch. 64. .. . . .. . Edisto Island Company, claims of members of l An act for the relief of Whihemursh B. Seabrook and others. March 2, 1857, ch. 65... . . . . . . . 501 Henry T Mudd, payment to. An act for the relief of Henry T. Mudd of Missouri. March 2, 1857, ch. cs .. 502 Richard Phillips, pension q/Y An act for the relief of Richard Phillips. March 2, 1857, ch. 67. . . 503 Kennergi C. B. R., payment to. A11 act for the relief of C. B. R. Kcnuorly. March 2, 1857, . 68 .. . . ... 503 Jacques Godjioy, land patent toheirsq/2 An act for the relief of the heirs of Jazques Godfrey. March 2, 1857, ch. 69 . . .. ... . . 503 John L. Vzttier authorized to locate certain land. An act for the relief of John L. Vattiar. March 2, 1857, ch. 70 ...,... 503 Jesse MW, payment to. An act for the relief of Jesse Morrison of Illinois. March 2, 1857, c . l. ... . .. . . .. .1 John Shaw, payment to. An uct: for the relief of John Shaw a soldier in the war of eighteen hundred and twelve. March 2, 1857, ch. 72. 50-1 Dumas B. Steele, pqyment tu. An act for the relief of Thomas B. Steele, passed assistant surgeon of the navy of the United States. March 2, 1857, ch. 73 .. 504 John Huy'; payment to. An acc for the relief of John H¤&` of Texas. March 2, 1857, ch. 74 50-1 George fchellingu, payment to. An act for the relief of George Schcllingor. March 2, 1857, c . 75 .. . Lyman N Cook, pension of An uct: for the rclicf of Lyman N. Cook. March 2, 1857, ch. 76.. . . 504 Willzkzm Kendall, settlement of accounts q/I An act for the relief of William Kendall. March 2, 1857, ch. 77 . . 605