Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/486

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446 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6,7,10, 15. 1856. March 5, 1856. CHAP. VI.—An Act tc authorize the isscrgggrgf a Register or Enrolmem ta dw Barqu, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembleaL That there be issued, under the _ RGKESWF *0 direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, a register or enrolment for €;‘f);:gOFh° the barque Cabargo, formerly a British vessel, but now owned by Thomas Rigney, a citizen of the State of New York, which said vessel having been dismantled on a voyage to New York, was purchased by him, and which he has caused to be repaired and refifted for sea again: Provided, Pr<>vis0· it shall be proved, to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury, that the cost of repairing and refitting said vessel in the United States, exceeds three fourths of the original cost of building a vessel of the same tonnage in the United States. Approved, March 5, 1856. March 18, 1856. CHAP. VII.-—-An Act to admit to Register or Enrolment the Sclwzmer Zzdock Pratt. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the ,sSu5§,giF§;°; t° Treasury be and hereby is authorized and directed to issue a register or Zudock Pratt. enrolment to the schooner “Zadock Pratt," now owned by Williarn Peck and James B. Smith, citizens of l§uffalo, in the State of New York: Provided, it shall be proved, to the satisfaction of said secretary, that two thirds of the cost of the construction of said vessel was put upon her in the United States. APPROVED, March 13, 1856. Apr]; 1, 1g5g_ CHA?. X.-An Act for the Relief of the Distributzes of Colonel William Linn. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting Papxnellt to officers of the treasury be, and they are hereby directed and required to i?; f;)1{*(,j?mb_ settle with the distributees of Colonel William Linn, an officer in the utgcs of gO]_ revolutionary army, and to allow them five years} full pay as a colonel, W¤1·_L€¤¤, <>¤ which is the commutation of half-pay for life, to be paid out of any money ggglgjving E in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. The money to be paid to Mrs. Elizabeth A. R. Linn, upon giving satisfactory security to the said accounting officers, to be by her distributed according to the laws of the State of Missouri: Provided, That the sum hereby directed to be paid shall be in full of all claims of the descendants or representatives of the said Colonel William Linn under any laws of the United States now or heretofore in force. Approved, April 1, 1856. April 18, 1856. CHAP. XV.-An Act for the Reliq` ofJacob Dodson. Be it enacted ky the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting Payment to officers of the government be, and they are hereby, authorized and ‘I°°°b D°ds°“‘ directed to allow Jacob Dodson, a colored man, who, on the seventh day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, at the American Forks, in California, volunteered as a private, for during the war, in Captain Richard Owen’s company of the California battalion, and who was discharged therefrom on the fourteenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, at Los Angelos, in California, all the pay and allowances to which he would be entitled, under the existing laws for such service, in the same manner as if he had been legally enlisted in, and honorably discharged from, the service of the United States, deducting therefrom the sum of two hundred and eighty-one dollars, paid to him by Colonel