Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/515

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'1`HIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rus. 6, 11, 12, 13. 1856. 475 RESOLUTIONS. [No. 6.] A Resolution far the Relief of the_S0uthwestern and Musoogee Railroad Com- May 9, ]856_ pames. —j— Resolved ly the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster-General Paymentm R. be and he is hereby authorized to correct the error in the bid of R. R. R- _ Guyier .f¤1‘ Cuylerg for the President of the Southwestern and Muskogee Railroad gzgijgglifsagi Companies, on mail route six thousand three hundred and three; and that he be required to allow them fifteen thousand three hundred dollars per annum for the double daily service, from the commencement of their service to the expiration of the contract, or so long as the New York and New Orleans mail may continue to be transported over said route. APPROVED, May 9, 1856. [No. 11.] Joint &s0lution authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to settle the Accounts July 3, 1856. ry" Oliver M. Wozencrajt. t""" Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States af America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the In- Settlement of tnrior be and he is authorized to audit and settle, upon just and equitable §£°*wg;ng£m?· principles, the accounts of Oliver M. Wozencraft, late commissioner and ’ ` Indian agent for Californiia, for actual disbursements made by him; and that a sum not exceeding seven thousand dollars be appropriated for the purpose of carrying this resolution into efect, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall authorize the settlement of any contracts entered into by said Wozencraft, or drafts drawn by him, on which individuals now base claims against the United States. APPROVED, July 3, 1856. [No. 12.] Joint Resolution jor the Relief of Dr. WUI5am P. A. Had, hu of the Tennessee July 17, 1856. Wlunteers in the Mexican War. xi Resolved by the Senate and House af Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting 065- Adjustment of cers of the treasury be authorized and directed to adjust the claim of Dr. gg?" w· W. P. A. Hail, for medical services rendered to the volunteers while` serving in Mexico, upon the following principles, to wit: to allow said Dr. Hail the pay of assistant surgeon while engaged in professional services, wirh the consent of his commanding officer, deducting therefrom the amount paid to said Hail as a private in the first regiment of Ten— nessee volunteers, during the period he performed the duties of surgeon. Sec. 2. And be itjarther resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury payment of pay to Dr. W. P. A. Hail, out of any moneys in the treasury not other- $m<>¤¤¤ f¤¤¤d wise appropriated, such sum as may, upon said adjustment, be found to °°° he due him for medical services aforesaid. APPROVED, July 17, 1856. [No. 13.] A Resolution fw the Relief of him K Laub, a Cterk in the Ojiee of the Juiy so, use First Comptrot er of the Treasury. **"""—"* Resolved by tlte Senate and Jikuse of Representatives of the United Salary 0H_ Y-_ States of America an Congress assembled, That the increase in the Laub.