Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/529

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THIR/I`Y—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 22, 23, 24, 26. 1857. 489 CHAP. XXII.-An Act _/or the Relief of James P. Fleming, of Augusta, Georgia,. Jan. 26, 1857. Be it enacted by the Senate and Lbuse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of fourteen hun- $1,450 to be dyed and fifty dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated for the£_¤id€<> James Y- relief of James P. Fleming, in payment for extra services in transport- 1°““"g' ing the mails on route number thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirteen, in eighteen hundred and fifty-four; and that the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay the said James P. Fleming, or his legal representatives, the said sum of fourteen hundred and fifty dollars out of any money in the treasury to the credit of the Post-Ofhce Department not otherwise appropriated. Approved, January 26, 1857. CHAP. XXIII.-—An Act for the Relief of .khn H Home. _],m_ 2611857_ Be it enacted ln; the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the $6_·;q_50 to bg Treasury be and he is hereby directed and required to pay to John H. grid to J<>h¤ H- Horne, of Mississippi, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise °m°‘ appropriated, the sum of six hundred and fifty dollars and fifty cents. Approved, January 26, 1857. CHAP. XXIV.--An Act making a Reappro nation from the Su lus Fund for the Jan. 26, 1857. Relief if Lieutenant John Guest, Uizited States Navy, andlothers. ‘_"""`" ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and [Ruse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of one thousand Balance of upseven hundred and sixty dollars and forty-nine cents, being the balance P*°P;'l*‘°‘°“$ cg: remaining of the appropriations made by Congress in the years eighteen $**53,,.,, hundred and forty, and eighteen hundred and forty-one, for the survey of fund, reapprvpfithe coast from Apalachicola bay to the mouth of the Mississippi River, *3;;, 0,*;*; for the ascertainment of the practicability of establishing a navy yard and naval station which should best subserve the protection of the commerce of the Gulf of Mexico, which balance has been carried to the credit of the surplus fund, be and the same is hereby reappropriated, for the payment of the sum due Lieutenant John Guest, United States Navy, (six hundred and seventeen dollars,) for services rendered in such survey, and for other lawful claims of officers who were employed in that survey. Approved, January 26, 1857. CHAP. XXVI.—An Act authorizing the Secreta of the Interior to approve the Accounts gm, 28 18;,; of the Marshal jbr the District of Missouri, jbr1I7i'urniture provided for the Use of the Cir- ·%————— cuit Court of the (hzited States for said District, at the Aprd Term of said Court, held at St. Louis, in the Year eighteen hundred and yfbur, and for the Allowance and Pay- ment to the Zilarshal of the District of Indiana, ¢%he Account for Furniture for the Office o/` the Clerk o/` the District Court of the District of Indiana. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Allvwanveh in Interior be and he is hereby authorized to allow, in the accounts of g€°§:;;;€_m °S' Thomas S. Bryant, marshal of the United States for the district of Missouri, the sum expended for furniture purchased for the use of the circuit court of the United States for said district, (and approved by Judge R. W. Wells, the district judge for Missouri,) at the April term of said court, held April, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, at St. Louis, Missouri, not exceeding in all the sum of three hundred dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Interior Same Subject, be directed to pay to the marshal of the district of Indiana, the account of Messrs. Weaver and Williams, for furniture purchased for the use of