Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/532

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492 THIRTY-FOURT H CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 35, 39, 40. 1857. firmation made to said Bryan under the act of third March, eighteen hundred and nineteen, according to the report of actual settlers in said district, made by J. O. Cosby, and to certificate of confirmation, number two hundred and nine, issued by the register and receiver of said land-oHicc: Provisc. Pwmided, That the selections shall be made from lands subject to private entry, at s minimum of of not more than one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre; and patents shall issue therefor, as in ordinary cases of entry and sale. APPROVED, February 5, 1857. Feb. 5, 1857. Gun. XXXV.-An Actfar the Relief qi Captain Thomas Duncan, ry' the United States Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Thomas Dun- States of America in Congress assembled, That Thomas Duncan, as the fm} ”¤t**°*f2Z€d*° assignee and owner of the'following warrants, issued under the act of b%°;§y]g2d“;$a,_ Septeuibcré cgghtcgnfhumkcd {and iifgy, viz : Nuugbcr nine ghgusand ( x '. dt - c '¤ tt §;?§e§;;§€`?rBg{é? SSH53m3Q €SmZ“ JUS LII QQ2t2Q? {u23E3i1Q1d 2駒“I,“§Z§’ mfiiii %i,,$]€¥f;3;€nng,Z thirty-0?<;3tl1c?usz{ndI<j?1c:1 §1und'rcd gag thirtaciglxg for iiorty zlecges, inhthe ·_ 00 y `¤F¤<=¤" name 0 cnjamm m s cy xssuc ovcm r twenty-n1uc ew teen un- @3;;; rg; dred and fifty-one ; number }0rt.y-four thousand seven hund;‘cdcand ninety- ban Lmhxdin, un- eight for forty acres, in the name of Eleanor P. Pool, issued March six, 3* 8*;** °f www eightiaeu hundred and Efty-two; number fifty-three thousand three hun- `dred and four, for forty acres, in the name of Turner Brown, issued April twenty-civht, eighteen hundred and fifty-two; number fifty-tive thousand one hundred and eigly, for. forty acres, in the name of George Bromer, issued Apr11 twenty-mne, eighteen hundred and fifty-two; number fifty- three thousand ope hundred and forty, fmt forty acres, in the name of Laban Mauldm, xssucd Apml twenty-four, enghtecn hundred and fifmy—two; the originals of which, with assignments thereon in his favor, have been lost, be and he is hereby authorized be locate, in his name and as his property, the duplicates of said warrants, which have been gr may·bc issued from the Commissioner of Pcnswns ; and upon said Iocatxons bcmg made according to the stipulations of said act of eighteen hundred and fifty, patents shall issue for the same, as in ordinary cases. A1>1m0v1·:D, February 5, 1857. Feb 7, 1857_ Can. HXIX.-An Act for the Relief of John Mitchell, of the Dnlstrict ey" Columbia. Be it enacted lg the Senate and House of Representatives of the [/Vzited t°Jgg¤ Igggghgg States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the the pcs5o,, ,0]] Interior is hereby directed to place the name of John MitEhcll on the at $30 DG? mgnth pension roll, at the rate of thirty dollars per month, instead of twenty do]- "'sfgzg 2Q8g';' lars, as per act of Congress, May fifteen, eighteen hundred and fifty. 1ss0,’¤h. 42. APPROVED, February 7, 1857. V0]. ix. pp. 715, 801. "_""' Fab 7 1857 CHAP. XL.-An Act to extend the (,'}¢a11!er1.'YtIne President and Directors of the "Hre-

 mevfs Insurance Company of Washington a  , in the District of Columbia."

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Ch,,,m of- the States of America in Congress assembkd, That the charter of the presi- Firemerfs Iqs. dent and directors of the “Firemarfs Insurance Company of `Washimrton SQ; e‘¥mvXQ;g‘“g' and Georgetown, in the District of Columbia," approved on the thirdcday 1837 ch. ab. of March eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, which will expire by its Vol. Li. p. 694. own limitation ou the H1-st day of J unc, eighteen hundred and fif'Ly-eight, be and the sarge is hereby extended until the first dg): of June, eighteen hundred and enghty-enght, upon the terms and condmons as heremafcer provxded.