Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/558

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518 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 163, 164, 165, 166, 167. 1857. Mum]. 3, 1557, CHAP. CLXHI.——An Act for the Relig"b¢y" the Children and Heirs of Levi and Mayy ————- 'tone. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Artem of 0H_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the gon of nga; gterior lis hereby authorized gndfirequired 1;; place élge name og Levi tone M1 1 Mfr tone w 0 was a captain 0 rti cers at n ury nnectieut, urinv §‘;;2,f.°c€§d*,l;;,d the war of the Revolution from March, seventeen hhndred and seventy? or represents- seven, be November, SGVODEGGD hundred and SBV€l’ll'y—IllD€, OH the pOIlSlOI1

  • i'°*· roll of said State, under act of seventh June, eighteen hundred and

issa, ch. 126. thirty-two, at the rate of pension due for said service ; and also the name Vol. iv. p. 5212. of his widow, Mary Stone, on said pension roll under act of fourth July, 1836, ch. 362. eighteen hundred and thirty-six, at the same rate deducting twenty-three Vol. v. p. 127. dollars and thirty-three cents per annum during the continuance of said pension; and the balance so found due be paid to the children of said Levi and Mary Stone deceased, or their legal representatives. Approved, March 3, 1857. March B, 1857. CHAP. GLX1V.--An Act for the Relzegif the surviving Children q" Sarah Van Pelt, """""’“ Widow of John Van elt, a Soldier. Be it enacted b the Senate and Ease o Re resentatives o the United 9 _ P States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is hereby directed to pay to the surviving children ··‘““””°fP°”· r 1. v P s hV Pl 1. · 1. r- ,,0,, who pmd to o Jo n an elt and ara an e t the pension due to er, rom the surviving chil- fourth day of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight to her death, which ggjgphzhgxd occurred on the twenty-ninth day of May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, ` at the rate of thirty-one dollars and seventy-five cents per annum, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, March 3, 1857. March 3, 1857. CHAP. CLXV.—An Act for the Relief ¢y" Barton Jewell. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That the Secretary of the Barton Jewell Interior be and he is hereby authorized sind directed to place the name ifmbaeglilffxdrgtl of Barton Jewell, of Kentucky, upon the invalid pension list, at the rate at ggppu mgnth of eight dollars per month, commencing on the first day of January,

f<{¤E?Y¤¤- 1. 1856. eighteen hundred and fifty-six, and to continue during his natural life.

‘” °‘ Approved, March 3, 1857. March 3, 1857. CHAP. CLXVL-An Act for the Relief4v` Jonathan Gilleg. _;,,,,,,,],,,,, Gmay Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United to be placed cn States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the

l;;,p°‘;$°,’;°;°t£ Interior be and he is hereby directed to place the name of Jonathan

rm... hes. s, Cilley upon the list of invalid pensioners, at the rate of four dollars per 1*5- month, beginning with the third day of December, eighteen hundred and 1857, ch. 149. m·ty_6Ve_ Ame, p. 514. APPn0v1s1>, March 3, 1857. March 3, 1857. CHAP. CLXVII.——An Act for the Relief of JZ H Fl Thornton, Lawrence Taliaferro,

 gag P Taliaferm, sureties of D. M F'. Thornton, late a Purser in the Navy of the

mt 'lates. Bc it enacted bg the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That in conformity with the principleof the report of the Committee oh the Judiciary, made on the twenty-sixth day of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, J. H. F.