Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/58

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33 THIRTY—FOUR.TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 86. 1856. remaining trustees within 0H8_m0Dfl1,'B,Dd in case the said trustees shall vacancies_ fail to fill such vacancy within that time, then It shall be the duty of the commissioners of primary schools as soon as may be thereafter. ' penal?. for Sec. 18. And be it jitrtlwr- enacted, Thatuf any trustee of any pm. false cert cms mary school district shall make a false certificate or report, by means °f "‘"“°“' whereof any moneys shall be fraudulently obtained from the commissioners aforesaid, such trustee signing such certificate or report shall forfeit and pay double the amount so fraudulently obtamed to the commissioners of primary schools to be recovered with costs of suit, by action of debt before any court df justice, or any Justice of the peace, having cognizance thereof, in the name of said commissioners ; and such sum, exclusive of the cost of suit, shall be applied, when recovered, to the use of the primary school in such district. Amounts of Sec. .19. And be it further enacted, That the said trustees shall keep trustees, how m an account of their proceedings in a book kept for that purpose, and shall M |=¤Pl=· also keep an account against the district collector for the sums authorized to be collected, and for other sums paid into his hands, and shall give him credit for the sums legally paid by him, also for his legal commissions and for such taxes as cannot be collected by legal steps and proper dill; couwm. to gence; and that said collector shall_have_tl1e keeping nf all IHOUGYS-COlgcep funds, sub- lccted by him, and other sums paid mto his hands, subject to the written l°°**°°'d°"· order of a majority of the trustees, drawn in favor of such persons hav— ing claims against said school, and he shall report to the trustees whenever required the amount of funds in his hands and a full statement of his accounts. Tmuu my Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That the trustees of any primary ¤*¤q¤i¤‘¤ g¤m¤¤'> school district in said county shall be, and they are hereby, authorized in Mm '° °their discretion to require from any child attending school the payment of any sum of money not exceeding one dollar a month to be applied m the payment of the expenses of said district school, ani} in the exercise of this power the trustees aforesaid may, from time to time, discontinue the payment thereof altogether, or may graduate the payments according to the ability of the children and the exigencies of the school. Tax list. Sec. 21. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the trustees of each school district, whenever a district meeting shall have voted a district tax, as soon as may be, to make a rate bill or tax list, which shall raise the sum voted for, in due proportion on all the taxable property in such district, agreeably to the assessment of the last preceding county tax, and to annex to such tax list or rate bill a warrant, and to deliver the same to the collector of such district, which warrant shall be substantially as followeth: Warrant m Ccnmv or Wssmnerox, D. C., ss. ¢°U¤¢*¤F· T; 1--, colllecgor of theidistmct (the connty faforesaick gree ng: ou are ere y require an comman e to co act rom eac of the inhabitants of said district the several sums of money written opposite to the name of each of said inhabitants in the annexed tax list, and within sixty days after receiving this warrant to pay the amount of the moneys by {0: collected tic the order of the trustees of said district, or a majomty 0them · an i any one or more of sa`:} `nhabit nts shall neglect or refuse to nay the same, you are hereby iluriher eoiinmanded to levy on the goods and chattels of each delinquent, and make sale gereef Sccordinqbto law. Given under ourhands and seals this --— y _1_! • T-• , rustees. 3%*1* R7 And if: the sum or sums. payable by any person named in such tax list or rate bill shall not be paid by him or collected by virtue of said war-