Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/593

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THIRTY—FIF TH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. RES. 14, 18, 19, 21. 1858. 553 RESOLUTIONS. [No. 14.] A Resolution for the Relief ty' John Grayson. · June 1, 1g5s, Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the accounting officers of the treasury be, and they are hereby, directed, in adjusting the account $526.13 to be of John Grayson, pension agent at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, to place to gfgfggg `gluseh the credit of the said John Grayson the amount of five hundred and moment of actwenty-six dollars and thirteen cents, paid by him to George De Camp, °°““*· one of the surviving children and heirs of Susannah Stokely, deceased, widow of Nehemiah Stokely, a captain in the revolutionary war; the same having been paid in conformity with the directions of the Secretary of the Interior, as conveyed upon the face of a certihcate of pension issued by the Commissioner of Pensions to said George De Camp. Approved, June 1, 1858. [No. 18.] A Resolution for the Beneyit of the VWdowof Commander mlliam Lewis June 3, 1858. Herndon, United States Navy. ""`“"`""` Resolved {ry the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress entertain a high sense of the devotion to duty, the coolness, courage, and conduct of Com- a £);‘;‘]L§3E;;t° mander William Lewis Herndon, United States navy, in command of the three yea,-S fun steamer Central America, at sea during the prevalence of a hurricane on sw-sérvice my the twelfth of September, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven; and that the §i§;‘:‘?,9ég£° widow of the said William Lewis Herndon be entitled to receive, out of manner William any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, a sum equal to Lewis H"md°“· three years’ full sea-service pay of a commander in the navy. Approved, June 3, 1858. [No. 19.] A Resolution deuolving upon the Secretary of War the Execution of the Act June 3, 18% ¢y·” Congress entitled "An Act supp emental to an Act therein mentz0ned," approved De- 13_ cember twenty-two, eighteen hundred and _)€jty;/bur. 1 Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the duties imposed, or required to be performed, by the act of Congress entitled "An act supple- WS°‘;Y°*¤3i Of mental to an act therein mentioned," approved December twenty-two, (,1,3;,, gg3Cp2e_ eighteen hundred and fifty-four, including the act to which it is supple- sentativeg of mental, be, and the same are hereby, transferred to the Secretary of 1Var, Gaz? Ig];h;’§· who shall proceed de novo to execute the same in their plain and obvious v01_ g p_'g35_ meaning: Provided, nevertheless, That from any amount which may be 184% ¢-h· 30- found just and equitably due to the legal representatives of George Fisher, V°1i,;’;,£b]12' deceased, there shall be deducted all sums which may have been heretofore allowed and paid by the United States. Approved, June 3, 1858. [N0. 21.] Joint Resolution for the Reliefof General Sylvester Churchill. Jung 5, 1g5g_ Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper disbursing officer be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to allow and pay to General Sylves-