Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/671

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TREATY WITH OTTOWAS AND CI·IIPPEW1\S, JULY 31, 1855. 627 emption claims shaH be proved, as prescribed by law, before the first day of October next." "Any Indian, who may have heretofore purchased land for actual h I*¤di¤·¤ 95*** settlement under the act of Congress, known as the Graduation Act, may ‘é,:§°:,r;ti0;mA:; sell and dispose of the same; and in such case, no actual occupancy or may sen. residence by such Indians on land so purchased shall be necessary to enable him to secure a title thereto." " In consideration of the benefits derived to the Indians on Grand _ Grant T0 mh- Traverse Bay by the school and mission established in 1838, and still con- f;‘;;m°£hI;',;s,:>{l tinued by the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, it $1.25 per acre. is agreed that the title to three separate pieces of land, being parts of tracts Nos. 3 and 4, of the west fractional half of section 35, township 30 north, range 10 west, on which are the mission and school buildings and improvements, not exceeding in all sixty-three acres, one hundred and twenty-four perches, shall be vested in the said Board on payment of $1.25 per acre; and the President of the United States shall issue a. patent for the same to such person as the said Board shall appoint." “ The United States will also pay the further sum of forty thousand Further pay- dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be applied in liquida- ***°**'¤ °€l$,;¥°»°°° tion of the present just indebtedness of the said Ottawa and Chippewa m pay ° ts' Indians; provided, that all claims presented shall be investigated under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, who shall prescribe such rules and regulations for conducting such investigation, and for testing the validity and justice of the claims, as he shall deem suitable and proper; and no claim shall he paid except upon the certificate of the said Secretary that, in his opinion, the same is justly and equitably due; and all claimants, who shall not present their claims within such time as may be limited by said Secretary within six months from the ratification of the treaty, or whose claims, having been presented, shall be disallowed by him, shall be forever precluded from collecting the same, or maintaining an action thereon in any court whatever; and provided, also, that no portion of the money due said Indians for annuities, as herein provided, shall ever be appropriated to pay their debts under any pretence whatever; provided, that the balance of the amount herein allowed, as a just lialance to_be increase of the amount due for the cessions and relinquishments aforesaid, Pglga? °h° C}"?` after satisfaction of the awards of the Secretary of the Interior, shall be p ° paid to the said Chippewas or expended for their benefit, in such manner as the Secretary shall prescribe, in aid of any of the objects specified in the second article of this treaty." Attest: ASBURY DICKIN S, Secretary. And whereas the said amendments having been submitted to the chiefs and headmen of the Ottawa and Chippewa tribes of Indians, the said chiefs and headmen having heard the same read and explained to them, did assent to and ratify the same, by an instrument, in the words and figures following, to wit: We, the undersigned chiefs and headmen of the Chippewa Indians living _ Assent of In near Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., having had the amendments adopted by the d;’°,§‘;“’“° Senate of the United States to the treaty concluded at Detroit on the 31st ° day of July, 1855, fully explained to us and being satisfied therewith, do hereby assent to and ratify the same. In witness whereof we have hereto set our hands this 27th day of June, A. D. 1856. PI-AW-BE-DAW-SUN G, his x mark. TE-GOSE, his x mark. SAW-GAW—JEW, his x mark. SHAW-ANO, his x mark.