Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/68

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48 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 123. 1856. vatory and hydrographical office, viz: one lithographer, one instrument maker, two watchmen, and one porter, three thousand one hundred and sixt dollars. Nzwnl AevAe· Ixur erection, improvement, and I‘€¢p8-its of buildings gronnds, and mY- support of the Naval Academy at AHHRPOIIS, Mafybhd, thirty-nine thousand five hundred and ninety-tive dollars and twenty-two cents. Nautica A1- For preparing the American Nantiea1Almanae, twenty-tive thousand m“““°‘ seven hundred and thirty-two dollars and sixty-four cents. Stevenrs war For Stevens’s war steamer, eighty-six thousand seven hundred and “°°“”‘°"‘ seventeen dollars and eighty-four cents. Basim M-. at For completing basin and railway at the navy yard at San Francisco, Sm F”*‘°°‘°°°· mee hundred and five emma dollars. Coal depot at For completing coal depot at Key West, Florida., twenty-Eve thousand KW Wm dollars. Appropriation Sec. 2. And be it further macwi That out of the sum of thirty-one f';.' °°‘“l“·"€°“°l°’ thousand Eve hundred dollars, appropriated by “Aet making app;-opria. in glélrugi itgggi tions for the naval service for the year ending the thirtieth June, eighteen ¤h- D8, mw M hundred and fifty-six," approved third March, eighteen hundred and fifty- QQEQF; five “For contingencies of the Marine COl'PS,” there be allowed and paid i any expenses which have been incurred for the purpose of introducing gas into the quarters and hospital head-quarters, and for lighting the same. Approved, August 16, 1856. Aug. 16, 1856. CHAP. CXXIII.-—An Act to regulate the Compensation of Mennbers of Congress. Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Re esenlahfves 0 the United 0f(;;l:;F°;1;,?;¥:,: States of Amerigz? in Congress assembled, j'l`hag):he compenszition of each and member of senator, representative and delegate in Congress shall be six thousand §‘§p,;;Q2;b,$;s_ dollars for each Congress, and mileage as now provided by law for two Pm, P. 367. sessions only, to be paid m manner following, to wit.: on the iirst daylof Mp it E?§*L¤E1°;€.`§Z’f5f‘“€’L1“¤2Z€}f,§“`§2t€’;§°$§?2’Y’“駧2?‘E€£°`€.?$Etihitf?§é2$ · · , s r during such session, compensation at the rate of three thousand dollars per annum during the continuance of such session, and at the end of such session he shall receive the residue of his salary due to him at such time at the rate aforesaid still unpaid; and at the beginning of the second regular session of the Congress each senator, representative, and delegate shall receive his mileage for such second session and monthly during such session compensation at the rate of three thousand dollars per annum till the fourth day of March terminating the Congress, and on that clay each senator, representative, and delegate shall be entitled to receive any bal-

of the six thpusarpd dollars not theretofore paid in the said monthly

ms ments as a ve `rected. degpyotgfsglrgsg- Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President of the Senate pm wm 6, ami pro tempore when there shall be no Viee·Pre.sident, or the Vice—President of the éiggakw shall have become President of the United States, shall receive the compensation provided by law for the Viee—President; and the Speaker of the I;I0use of Representatives shall receive double the compensation above provided for representatives, payable at the times and in the manner Tms bww3p` abgvgzcprpwdecllfgr p;1y;_neg; of the ppanipppsatiolp otgepresentatives. th , .. n et uercnac attis wshallalto e gigs? this C°°` present Congress, and each senator, representative, and deleggg ghall be entitled to receive the dilferenee only between their per diem compensai110n aelceivceld under the law now in force and the compensation provide y » is a. Provision in Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That in the event of the death of ,,,,,0 0,- the death any senator, representative, or delegate prior to the commencement of the of my member. first session of the Congress, he shall be neither entitled to mileage or compensation; and 111 the event of death after the commencement of any session, his representatives shall be entitled to receive so much of his com-