Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/727

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TREATY WITH THE KINGDOM OF SIAM. MAY 29, 1856. 683 Zreatg between the United States of America and the .Mngdom of Siam. Ooncluded at Bangkok Mag 29th, 1856. Ratified March 16th, 1857. Ratifieations exchanged at Bangkok June 15th, 1857. Proelaimed by the President ty' the United States August 16th, 1858. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A PROCLAMATION. Wunanns a treaty between the United States of America and their Mw R1856- Majesties the First King of Siam and the Second King of Siam was pmambia concluded and signed at Bangkok on the twenty-ninth day of May, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, the English version of which treaty— the original being in the English and Siamese languages——is word for word as follows: The President of the United States of America, and their Majesties N°8°*i“°”· Phra-Bard, Somdetch, Phra-Paramendr, Maha, Mongkut, Phra, Chom, Klau, Chau, Yu, Hua, the first King of Siam, and Phra, Bard, Somdetch, Phra, Pawarendr, Ramesr, Mahiswaresr, Phra, Pin Klau, Chau, Yu, Hua, the second King of Siam, desiring to establish upon firm and lasting foundations the relations of peace and friendship existing between the two countries, and to secure the best interest of their respective citizens and subjects by encouraging, facilitating, and regulating their industry and trade, have resolved to conclude a treaty of amity and commerce for this purpose, and have therefore named as their Plenipotentiaries; that is to say, the President of the United States, Townsend Harris, Esq., of New York, Consul-General of the United States of America for the empire of Japan, and their Majesties the first and second Kings of Siam, his royal highness the Prince Krom Hluang,Wongsa, Dhiraj, Snidh, his excellency Somdetch, Chau, Phaya, Param, Maha, Bijai, Neate, his excellency Chau, Phaya, Sri, Suriwongse, Samuha, Phra, Kralahom, his excellency Chau, Phaya, Rawe, Wongee, Maha, Kosa, Dhipade, the Phra Klang, his excellency Chau, Phaya, Yomray, the lord mayor, who after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, and found them to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following articles : Amxcnn I. There shall, henceforward, be perpetual peace and friend- Amity. &¤· ship between the United States and their Majesties the first and second Kings of Siam and their successors. All American citizens coming to Siam shall receive from the Siamese Mutual nid to government full protection and assistance to enable them to reside in b° ”°“d°‘°d‘ Siam in all security, and trade with every facility, free from oppression or injury on the part of the Siamese. ·Inasmuch as Siam has no ships trading to the ports of the United States, it is agreed that the ships-ofiwar of the United States shall render friendly aid and assistance to such Siamese vessels as they may meet on the high seas, so far as can be done without a breach of neutrality; and all American consuls, residing at ports visited by Siamese vessels, shall also give them such friendly aid as may be permitted by the laws of the respective countries in which they reside.