Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/748

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704 TREATY WITH CREEKS AND SEMINOLES. AUGUST 7, 1856. shall be secured in the unrestricted right of self-government, and full jurisdiction over persons and property, within their respective limits; excepting, however, all white persons, with their property, who are not, by adoption or otherwise, members of either the Creek or Seminole tribe; and all persons not being members of either tribe, found within their limits, shall be considered intruders, and be removed from and kept out of the same by the United States agents for said tribes, respectively; (assisted, if necessary, by the military;) with the following exceptions, viz: such individuals with their families as may be in the employment of the government of the United States; all persons peaceably travelling, or temporarily sojourning in the country, or trading therein under license from the proper authority of the United States; and such persons as may be permitted by the Creeks or Seminoles, with the assent of the proper authorities of the United States, to reside within their respective limits without becoming members of either of said tribes. Extmtiition of ARTIGLE XVI. The Creeks and Seminoles shall promptly apprehend ‘{§3l*§;’2l¤§t_§;s*l;$ and deliver up all persons accused of any crime against the laws of the ,,0 S`wmS_‘ United States, or of any State thereof; who may be found within their limits, on demand of any proper officer of a State or of the United States. qi,-mimto pay ARTICLE XVII. All persons licensed by the United States to trade for ¤§¤ Of mid with the Creeks or Seminoles shall be required to pay to the tribe within and limb"' whose country they trade, a moderate annual compensation for the land and timber used by them, the amount of such compensation, in each case, to be assessed by the proper authorities of said tribe, subject to the approval of the United States agent therefor. rtoteotion or Anrrona XVIII. The United States shall protect the Creeks and ggiiggiiks aud Seminoles from domestic strife, from hostile invasion, and from aggression “' by other Indians and white persons, not subject to their jurisdiction and laws; and for all injuries resulting from such invasion or aggression, full indemnity is hereby guaranteed to the party or parties injured out of the treasury of the United States, upon the same principle and according to the same rules upon which white persons are entitled to indemnity for injuries or aggressions upon them, committed by Indians. Right", ,,st,,;,_ Anrrcnn XIX. The United States shall have the right to establish Iish p¤¤¤¤, r<>=¤dS. and maintain such military posts, military and post-roads, and Indian

‘gc’;i°”t‘g°s ,5
agencies as may be deemed necessary within the Creek and Seminole

United States. country, but no greater quantity of land or timber shall be used for said purposes than shall be actually requisite; and it; in the establishment or Regulations rc- maintenance of such posts, roads, or agencies, the property of any Creek zggfgng °l'° or Seminole be taken, destroyed, or injured, or any property of either nation, other than land and timber, just and adequate compensation shall be made by the United States. Such persons only as are or may be in the employment of the United States, in any capacity, civil or military, or subject to the jurisdiction and laws of the Creeks and Seminoles, shall be permitted to farm or raise stock within the limits of any of said military posts or Indian agencies. And no offender against the laws of either of said tribes shall be permitted to take retlige therein. Right of way ARTICLE XX. The United States, or any incorporated company, shall for railroads and have the right of way for railroads, or lines of telcgraphs, through the t°1°g"phs' Creek and Seminole countries; but in the case of any incorporated company, it shall have such right of way only upon such terms, and payment of such amount to the Creeks and Seminoles, as the case may be, as may be agreed upon between it and the national council thereof; or, in case of disagreement by making full compensation, not only to individual parties injured, but also to the tribe for the right of way, all damage and injury done to be ascertained and determined in such manner as the President of the United States shall direct. And the right of way granted by either of said tribes for any railroad, shall be perpetual or for such