Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/77

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THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 127. 1856. 57 come to his hands, or to the hands of any other person to his use as such consul general, consul, or commercial agent, under any law now or hereafter enacted: and for the true and faithful performance of all other duties now or hereafter lawfully imposed upon him as such consul general, consul, or commercial agent; and in the cases of consuls general, consuls, and commercial agents embraced in Schedule B, such bond shall contain, by way of further condition, the stipulation required by the iiftb section of this act; and all such bonds shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury, and in no case shall the penalty of such bond be less than the annual compensation allowed to the officer entering into such bond; and the President shall be authorized to require a new or additional Newbpnd may bond from any such consul general, consul, or commercial agent, in like bg '°‘1“~“"’d· form and in such penalty, within the limits aforesaid, in amount, as he shall prescribe, whenever, in his opinion, the public good shall require it. S20. 14. And be it further enacted, That the President be, and he is President may hereby authorized to define the extent of country to be embraced within gtEH”°c;£;J;;“¤;S any consulate or commercial agency, and to provide for the appointment &c_,,md ,,],},0,,,,} of vice consuls, vice commercial agents, deputy consuls, and consular vice ¤<>n¤ulS,&¤- agents, therein, in such manner and under such regulations as he shall deem proper; but no compensation shall be allowed for the services of any such vice consul, or vice commercial agent, beyond nor except out of the allowance made by this act for the principal consular officer in whose Their pay to place such appointment shall be made; and no vice consul, vice com- {W °“° °f ?h;**}‘ mercial agent, deputy consul or consular agent, shall be appointed other- mr wise than in such manner and under such regulations as the President shall prescribe, pursuant to the provisions of this act. Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That every vice consul and vice Pay of vice commercial agent shall be entitled, as compensation for his services as °°”S“l$“'E“l "i°° such, to the whole or so much of the compensation of the principal con- §§:;,“t:r°`° sular officer, in whose place he shall be appointed, as shall be determined by the President, and the residue, if any, shall be paid to such principal consular officer; and every consular agent shall be entitled, as compen- pay of comm. sation for his services, to such fees as he may collect in pursuance of IM ¤g¤¤¤- the provisions of this act, or so much thereof as shall be determined by the President; and the principal officer of the consulate or commercial agency within the limits of which such consular agent shall be appointed, shall be entitled to the residue, if any, in addition to any other compensation allowed him by this act for his services therein; and the Presi- pm;d,,,,t,my dent shall have power to subject any consul or commercial agent contem- interdict trade to plated by the fourth section of this act, and any vice consul, vice com- g;‘Y§i:2S‘€5§i· mercial agent, deputy consul or consular agent to the prohibition as to gw, ’ trade contained in the fifth section of this act, and to require from any of them such bond as is provided for by the thirteenth section of this act, whenever he shall think the public interests will be promoted thereby. Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That the President be, and is Presidentmay hereby authorized to prescribe, from time to time, the rates or tariffs of giqmlsh f‘*”» fees to be charged for official services, and to designate what shall be ` regarded as official services, besides such as are expressly declared by law, in the business of the several legations, consulates, and commercial agencies, and to adapt the same, by such differences as may be necessary or proper, to each legation, consulate, or commercial agency, and such rates or tariffs shall be reported annually to Congress; and it shall be the T0 ¤`°P¤¤‘*1*h<·> duty of all officers and persons connected with such legations, consulates, mm °mm°1ly‘ or commercial agencies to collect for such official services such and only such fees as may be prescribed for their respective lcgations, consulates, and commercial agencies; and it shall be the duty of the collectors of the several districts, whenever any clearance is granted to any ship or vessel 0<>11¤<=t¤¤rs to of the United States, duly registered as such, and bound on any foreign ;g€ga_t‘L°‘;;°;;- voyage, to annex thereto, in every case, a copy of the rates or tariffs of such tmim vox., xr. PUB.——8 s