Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/785

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CONVENTION WITH FRANCE. FEBRUARY 10, 1858. 741 Convention between the United States and France, agreeing to an additional Article to the Extradition Convention between the two Countries. Signed at Washington, Ibbruarg 10, 1858. Rattfcations exchanged at Washington, Ihbruarg 12, 1859. Proclatmed by the President of the United States, February 14, 1859. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A PROCLAMATION. Feb. 10, 1858. WHEREAS an additional article to the convention for the surrender of Preamble. criminals between the United States and France, of the 9th November, VEEE·P· 58*% 1843. and [the] additional article thereto of the 24th February, 1845, was °V'"' P' 6H' concluded and signed at Washington by their respective plenipotentiaries on the 10th day of February, 1858, which additional article, as amended by the Senate of the United States, and being in the English and French languages, is word for word as follows: Additional article to the extradition Article additionel a la convention convention between the United d’extradition entre les Etats-Unis States and France of the 9th of ct la France du 9 Novembre, November, 1843, and to the addi- 1843, et a Particle additionnel du tional article of the 24th of Feb- 24 Février, 1845. ruary, 1845. It is agreed between the high I1 est convenu entre les hautes Persons charged contracting parties that the provis- parties contractantes que les stipula- ";;;If°"§;3’é,‘;__ ions of the treaties for the mutual ltions des traités entre les Etats-Unis Em ,0%,,, gw__ 0,- extradition of criminals between the l d’Amérique et lla France, du 9 No- Gmbezzlsmwt. United States of America and vembre, 1843, et du 24 Février, g';§,;d°f°b°“°'T°°` France, of November 9th, 1843, 1845, pour Pextradition mutuelle and February 24th, 1845, and now des crimincls, et actuellement en in force between the two govern- vigueur entre les deux gouvemements, shall extend not only to per- ments, comprendront non seulement sons charged with the crimes therein les personnes accusées des crimes mentioned, but also to persons qui ysont mentionnés, mais aussi les charged with the following crimes, personnes accusées des crimes suiwhether as principals, accessories, rants, soit comme principales, accesor accomplices, namely: forging or soires, ou oomplices, nommément: knowingly passing or putting in cir- de fabriquer ou de passer sciemment culation counterfeit coin or bank ou de mettre en circulation de la notes or other paper current as fausse monnaie ou de faux billets de money, with intent to defraud any banque, ou d'autres papiers ayant person or persons; embezzlement by oours comme monnai, avec intention any person or persons hired or sale.- de faire du tort atoute personne ou ried to the detriment of their em- personnes que cesoit; détournement ployers, when these crimes are sub- partoute personne ou personnes emjectto infamous punishment. ployées ou salariées, au detriment des personnes qui les employent, lorsque ces crimes entrainent une peine infamante. In witness whereof the respective En foi de quoi, les plénipotentiaires mu. plenipotentiaries have signed the respectifs ont signé, en triple, le