Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/788

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744 TREATY `WITH YANCTON TRIBE OF SIOUX, APRIL 19. 1858. nlgzggs m’°%’; Amwcnm I. The said chiefs and rlelegates of said tribe of Indians do lljngmd gmtés, hereby code and relinquish to the United States all the lands now owned, ¤X¤¤1>¤, &¤- possessed, or claimed by them, wherever situated, except four hundred 1 l§g““d“'i°’d °f thousand acres thereof; situated and described as follows, to wit—Beginan r°S°"°ning at the mouth of the Naw—izi-wa-koo-pah or Chouteau River and extending up the Missouri River thirty miles ; thence due north to a point; thence easterly to a point on the said Chouteau River; thence clown said river to the place of beginning, so as to include the said quantity of four hundred thousand acres. They, also, hereby relinquish and abandon all claims and complaints about or growing out of any and all treaties heretofore magelhg them op cgher Indians, except theixi annuity rights under the treat 0 ramie, o e tember 17, A. . 1 5 . A1{·r1cLE II. The landpso ceded and relinquished by the said chiefs and delegates of the said tribe of Yzmctons is and shall be known and de- Bomdmcs of scribed as follows, to wit-——-“ Beginning at the mouth of the Tchan-kas-am lands ceded. data or Calumet or Big Sioux River; thence up the Missouri River to the mouth of the Pa-hah-wa-kan or East Medicine Knoll River; thence up said river to its head; thence in a direction to the head of the main fork 0f the Wan-dush-kah-for or Snake River; thence down said river to its junction with the Tchun-san-san or Jaques or James River; thence in a direct line to the northern point of Lake Kampeska; thence along the northern shore of said lake and its outlet to the junction of said outlet with the said Big Sioux River; thence down the Big Sioux River to its ISIMQS iF U18 junction with the Missouri River."And they also cede and relinquish to Mlssmm R‘V°"‘ the United States all their right and title to and in all the islands of the Missouri River, from the mouth of the Big Sioux to the mouth of the Medicine Knoll River. And the said chiefs and delegates hereby stipulate and agree that all TMS_ the lands embraced in said limits are their own, and that they have full and exclusive right to ccde and relinquish the same to the United States. m};°°°;;*'B'u2?€dS ARTICLE III. The said chiefs and delegates hereby further stipulate acrgss thehmds and agree that the United States may construct and use such roads as reserved, tpaying may be hereafter necessary across their said reservation by the consent giluagu "°' and permission of the Secretary of the Interior, and by first paying the said Indians all damages and the fair value of the land so used for said road or roads, which said damages and value shall be determined in such manner as the Secretary of the Interior may direct. And the said Yanc- Indians to ma;. tons hereby agree to remove and settle and reside on said reservation within

l:{£¤;·»`$?m’?;°¤; one year from this date, and, until they do so- remove, within said year,)

yuh the Eruted Stages gnarante them m the qmet and undisturbed possesswn 0 the1r resen set! emen s. Agreements on ARTIELE IV. In consideration of the foregoing cession, relinquish- {}‘:"g’&"§t$s_*h° pugnt, and agpeements, the United States do hereby agree and stipulate as 0 ows, 0 W1 : protection on lst. ’1`0 protect the said Yanctons in the quiet and peaceable possesthé Y65S2V6d sion of the said tract of four hundred thousand acres of land so reserved for ]“"d“‘ their future home, and also their persons and property thereon during good behayior on their art. Payment of M_ 2d. T0 pay to them? or expend for their benefit, the sum of sixty-tive nuinos. thousand dollars per annum, for ten years, commencing with the year in which they shall remove to, and settle and reside upon, their said reservation——forty thousand dollars per annum for and during ten years thereafner-—twenty-five thousand dollars per annum for and during ten years thereaft,er——and fifteeu thousand dollars per annum for and during twenty years thereafter; making one million and sia: hundred thousand dollars in annuities in the period offijify years, of which sums the President of the United States shall, from time to time, determine what proportion shall be paid to said indians, in cash, and what proportion shall be expended for their benefit, aud, also, in what manner and for what objects such expen-