Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/853

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INDEX. 809 nc: pun: Army, (continued.) Army, (continued.) armories, . 149, 150 at Fort Carroll, . . . 335 magazines,. . .. .. .. 149, 150 Fort Delaware, 335 California, ... . ... 149, 150 Fort Jefferson, . 336 New Mexico, ... . . 150 Fort Point,. . ... 336 Oregon, . 150 Fort Richmond, . . .. ... 335 Texas, .. 149 Fort Tn lor,.. 336 Washington Territory,... 149, 150 Fort at hop; Island Ledge,. 335 military surveys, &c.. .. . . . . 150 payment of claims reported on by board instruments, .. . .. . ... .. 150 of army officers, .. .. 336 surveys of lakes, ... .. 150 bridges, &c., on road from Fort post-office extension, . 150 Smith, Ark., to Albuquerque, New arrearages, (third auditor’s oliioe,). .. 150 Mexico, , . . 336 Florida volunteers, . . .. 150 road from Albuquerque westward,. . 336 for purchase of The Resolute, .. . 151 balance of appropriation for suppresgeneral appropriation bill, for, for sion, &c. of Indian hostilities, how 1857-58, . , ... .. 200 to be expended, ..,.. . .. 336 in general, .. 200, 201, 202 oath to recruits on enlistment, who arsenals and armories,.. .. 202, 203 may administer, 336 artesian wells, 203 drawings of sailing charts of Bhcrsurveys, . 203 ing’s Straits, &.c. expedition, . 336 bridge at Old Point Comfort,. .. 203 sutler’s lien on soldiefs pay conbarracks at Carlisle, ... 203 ceming, ..., . .. 336 officers in Europe in 1855, . 203 laws authorizing sale of military tests of gun metal, 203 sites that have become useless roads, ., .. 203 for military purposes, repealed,. .. 336 bridge over Cannon River, . . 203 saving as to certain reservations military storekecpers additional,. 203 in Florida, ...,. . ... 336 fuel and quarters of, 203 appropriations for offices in war departpay of master armorers, ... 203 ment, ..., . 303, 304 settlement of accounts of quartermas— deficiency appropriation for, 1857-58, 267, 268 ter’s department, to be by third appropriation for, for 1859·—60,. ..,.. 431 auditor of the treasury, .. 201 in general, . . .. .. . . 431-435 removing obstructions from roads, recruiting and reénlistment, 431 rivers, &c . . 202 pay, subsistence, &c. .. 431 sale of sites, . 203 quartermaster's department, .. .. 431 New Mexicana volunteers,. . 203, 204 barracks, Sec., construction, &c., . . . 432 militia, ... .. .. 205 permanent barracks and qusrspy company, . ... 204 ters not to be constructed unroads in Minnesota, .. . 204 til after detailed estimates barracks in Minnesota, ..., 204 submitted to Congress and pay ot, .. 204 on special appropriation,. 432 payment to Arkansas, . 204 mileage of officers, &c.. .. . . . . 432 Western Military As lum abolished, 204 not to be allowed where oihcor site to be soiii, .. . . 204 is relieved at his own reaccounts of Florida, .. . 204 quest, . 432 commissioners on military expenses transportation, water, roads, ... 432 in Oregon, .. 205 medical department, .. 433 volunteers in Mexican war, 205 armament, &c., of fortifications, 433 construction of resolution about ordnance and gunpowder,. , .. . . 433 Lieut-General, . . . .. 205 experiments in arms and ammunipay of clerk of asylum board. .. . 205 tion, . .. 433 appropriations for offices in war depart- arsenals and armories, . . ... 433 ment, .. . . . 213, 214 manufacture of arms ut, ... 433 deliciencyappropriation for, 1856-57, 240 242 military surveys, .,. . .. 433 general appropriation for, for 1858-59... 332 survivors of massacre by Indians, in general, .. 332, 333, 334 emigrant trains from Arkansas,. . 433 rank and pay of superintendent of payment to Minnesota for volunmilitary academy, .. . ... , 333 tcers in 1857, ( Capt. James Starof commandment of cadets, 333 key’s company,). ... . ... 433 of senior assistant instructor in removal of Chippewas and permaeach arm of the service,. . 333 nent homc for, . . .433 armament, &c., of fortifications, 334, 336 repairs, new machinery, &c., at ordnance and gunpowder, . 334, 336 Springfield armory, .. . .. . 433 breech-loading carbines ,... .. . . . 335 same at Harper’s ferry, ...i. . . . 433 alteration of arms and primers,. 335 printin systems of instruction, and arsenals and armories, . 335 distriimtion of books of tactics,. 434 manufacture of arms nt, ... 335 military road from Fort Benton to surveys, .. 335 Fort Walla Walla, .. . .. . 484 temporary clerks, . . 335 payment to Texas for volunteers in volunteers in Utah, 835 1854, . . . .. . 434 continuing construction of certain same pay and allowances as works of defence ... 385, 336 , similar U. S. troops, 434 v01.. x1. Iumcx- 105