Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/876

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832 INDEX. nn _ mcs Gas, (continued.) Gp (continued.) appropriation for, .. . . . 378 amount not to exceed $5,000, .. 567 to be expended by commissioner of pub- Geyrqm, James M, _ lic buildin s,. . . 378 construction of act for relief of , 461, 462 act to take elllfect from passage, .. . . . 378 Gonzaga College, _ for quarters, &c. of marine corps, appro- act of incorporation of, . ... 265 priation for, . .. . .. . . 48 corporation and corporate name, .. . . 265 appropriation for lighting Pennsylvania objects and powers, .. 265 Avenue with, . .. 225 authorities of Georgetown College may Gas-pipes, convey to, &c., . . 265 laying of, in certain streets in Washing- shall not issue notes, &c. as currency,. . . 265 ton, . . . 326 corporators individually liable, . 265 Gay, Mrs. Mary, charter may at any time be altered or payment to, .. 514 repealed, .. . 266 General Land-Ofkz, Goodwin, Amaziah, appropriations for,.. . 108, 109, 211, 30l, 302. pension of, l.. . . . . 466 414, 415 —;, Mr. for expenses incident to removal,. .. 109 appropriation for, 220 commissioner to make rules, &c. as to Gordon, David, settlement of land claims in Indiana settlement of accounts of, .. . ... 455 and Illinois, . .. 141 ——, Thomas, Geneva, payment to representatives 0L .. 483 salary of consul at, . .. 53 Gould, Pltares, Genoa, for the heirs of Edward O. Gould, .. 566 salary of consul at, . . . 58 See Cumberland, The Brig. Georgetown, (D. C.) Graduation Law, act to amend charter of, ... 32 certain entries under, confirmed, 186 school tax may be levied in, ... 32 Gmduutian of price of land, disposition of, 33 periods for, how fixed in Greensburg Disvoters in, 32 trict, (La.,) 120 penalties for violating election laws, 32 Gmluzm, Joseph, evidence of qualification of voters to be payment to, .. 511 furnished to judges of elections,. . 32 Grand Paumees, election precincts and judges of election, 33 treaty with. See Paumees. custom·housc and post-office in, 93 Grants and Annuities, See “School Districts," "School Houses." See Annuities and Grants. Georgetown College, Grants, authorities of, may make conveyance to of lands. See Oession of Lands, Choc- Gonzaga College, .. . 265 laws and U/aickasaws, »St0c/cbridges and Georgia, Munsees, Wyazidolts, and Hmclons. post roads in,. .. 125, 126, 234, 235, 340, 341 to individuals. See Wyandozts and Yam appropriation for lighthouses in, . 423 tons. payment of an nnexpended balance to,. .. 440 Grayson, John, Gibbons, ldnncis A., allowed a credit in settling accounts, 553 djayment to, .. 468 Great Britain, Gi inns, George IL, salary of minister to, .. . ... 52 payment to for mail service, ... 95 assistant secretary of Icgation may be apmail contract with may he annulled, 95 pointed to. .. . .. 52 payment to, .. .. . . 190 marking of boundary between Washing- Gilbert, Barney, ton Territory and possessions of, . 42 claim of, to be settled, . 502 pny of commissioner under reciprocity —-, John, treaty with, 91 arrears of pension oi, ... . . 516 arrangement with, in 1818, as to naval Glandlug, James A., forces on the lakes. Proclamation, No. life pension to, ... 568 19, .. . 766 Glasgow, ports for exportation under treaty with. salary of consul at, ... 53 Proclamation, No. 39, .. . T 89 Glenn, Hugh, cxcquatnrs of certain consuls of] revoked. assignees, or personal representatives oi, Proclamations, Nos. 43, 44, 45,. ...792, 793 payment to of balance of judgment,. . 569 appointment of agent to confer with, reassignees to show assignment and subsist- . specting coinage, . . . 254 mg title, _.. 569 acceptance of presents from, authorized,. 255, Globe, C'0ngressiona], and Appendix, 256 appropriations for,. . . 92, 103, 104, 206, 207, appropriation for commission to run 240, 241, 296, 297 boundary with, on Washington Terri- Sce Congressional Globe. toriy, . l59, 160, 3l2, 403, 404 Godfrey, Jacques, nam authorities of, at Jamaica, acland patent to issue to heirs ot) . 503 knowledgment to, .. 3(i9 Gqf El: W., pay of commissioner under reciprocity claim for damages, &c. in efforts to exe- 1 treaty with, 404 cute revenue laws, as inspector of cus- . Greece, toms in Vermont, to be audited and I suspending tonnage duties on vessels of. paid, . . 567 Proclamation, No. 30, ... 783