Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/880

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836 INDEX. nc: _ _ _ PMB Indian Afairs, (continued.) Indzan A jzzrs, (contmued.) stated by a commissioner, scent to Oregon T., 400 those territories, and approved by Texas, .,., 400 Secretary of Interior, ... 363 Utah _T.,. . .; .. 400 commissioner, appoimmcut, pay and _ _ Washmgten I`., . .. 400 duty of} . ... 363 commusxqncr of}'t0 make rules, &c., for payment to Cherokces omitted in the Indmn servxce, .. 401 _ census of D. W. Siler, . . 662 to be in force when enacted by Con- George W. Stidham, indemnity to,. 363 gress, ... Z. . . 401 search for Ink-pa-du-mh’s baud, and appropriations for and provisions respcczransom of female captives,. .. 353 ing the _ execution of process in Indian Apaches, 66, 170, 217, 392 country, . .. . 363 Blackfoot Indians,. 65, 66, 170, 273, 389 uppointmenipof superintendent and Calapooias,. . 77, 78, 1;;; 1::16 ents in cxns, ... .; 363 , —· i y exirga clerks in Indimrcilics,. .. . 363 Camanchcs, .. 66, 170, 183, 277, 392 general appropriation for, for 1858-9,. 273 Cbastas, . 74, 179, 274, 329, 389 agents, superintendents, &c., ... 273 Chcrckecs,. ... . . . . 80, 92, 362, 400 civilization of the tribes, . . . 285 Chickasaw Incompctents,. . 392 map of Indian territory, ... 285 Chickasaws,. .. 68, 69, 78, 172, 182, 276, supplemental nppaopriation fpr, for 392 1858-9, 328 Chippcwas,. 66, 67, G8, 69, 73, 170, 171, Indian service in Ca1Lf;>rnia,.E[:. . 329 172, 178, 183, Q84, 2% 276, 220, New cxico ., 329 89, 3 , , 392, 3 6 S-l)`rcg0n T., . 329, 362 gzoctawsi 65, 79, 81, 172, 182, 276, 322 exus, 330 ristian n inns, 9 Utah T., .. . 330 Clackamas,. . . 77, 78, 174, 273, 329, 889 Washington T., 329 Clickamas, .. 17-L W. J. Cullen, reimbursed for ex- Ccmamchcs, .. . . . . 183 penscs in recovering stolen public Creeks,. .. 69,720,38% 17;, 173, 174, 1%*;, funds, .. .. . 330 184, 2 , 3 , 3 , 392, 393, 4 9 pay of extra clerks in Indian office,. 331 Dacctabs, .. . ... 409 Allis, Samuel, payment to, 332 Delnwares, .. . 70, 174, 278, 393 unauthorized persons may be rc- Florida Indians,.. 70, 174, 175, 278, 409 moved from tribal reservations,. . 332 Fort Laramie Indians, 77, 181, 283, 399 necessary force may be used there- ¥‘oxcs,.. . 74, 75, 172, 190, 282, 397, 398 for, .. . 332 owas, ... 0, 1, 175, 278, 393 certain persons of Miami blood to Kansas, .. 71,175, 278, 394 bc paid their proportion of buck Kaskaskias, . . 71, 176, 278, 394 tribal annuities, and to be enrolled Kickapoos, ... 71, 176, 278, 394- on pay list, . 832 Kicwns, . 66, 170, 184, 277, 392 2:1;:: go have located 200 acres of Lake Winnibigoshish,. 68,171, 179, 275, n , .. , . .. 332 276, 391 general appropriation for, for 1859-60,. . 388 Maricopus, . .. 401 agcms, supcrinmndemzs, &c.,. .. 388, 389 Menomonics, . 69, 71, 172, 176, 276, eivilizauon of she mbes, . 389 279, :as2, asn uclv Indian reservations in California to Miamicu, 71, 72, 176, 177, 279, 332, c mudc, L. 400 394, 395 payments to Chemkees under acm 1855, Missourias, .. 72, 178, 280, 330, 395 ch. 175, § 24, . . . 400 Mclallas, . 77, 78, 174, 273, 329, 389 lands on the Gila River, occupied by the Munsees, . . . . .. 76, 77 Pimas and Muricopas to be surveyed,. 401 Navzgioes . 72, 177, 279 to be sc: apart as :1 reservation for New York Imliuns, 69, 172, 276, 392 the Pimas and Maricopas, ... 401 Nisquallys, or Nesquallys,. 72, 177, 279, not to exceed 100 square miles,. . 401 329, 395 appropriation for presents to the Pimas Omahas, . 72, 177, 280, 330, 395 and Mariccpas, . 401 Osages, .. 72, 80, 177, 280, 395 no part. of appropriations for the Indian Onawns, 73, 178, 184, 280, 981, 396 service to be used to purchase arms, Octocs, .. 72, 178, 280, 330, 395 Km., unless treaty obligations require,. . 401 Ottowns, 280, 396 adjustment of claims of half-breeds un- Pawnces, 73, 178, 281, 331, 396, 400 der 10th article of treaty of Prairie du Pcorias, . 71, 176, 278, 394 Chien, .. . .. 401 Piankcshaws, . 71, 176, 278, 394 rules and regulations for the Indian scr- Pillager Bands,. . 68, 171, 275, 276, 391 vice, &c., to be prepared;. 401 Pimns, .. 401 to be in force after enactment there- Pouawatcmics,. .. 73, 74, 178, 179, 281, of by Congress. .. . . 401 896, 397 repeal oi' part of act of 1834, ch. 161,. .. 401 Pugctfs Sound Indians,. . . 72, 177, 279, United States nor. to indemnify for cer- 329 tain trespasscs by the Indians on the Puyal1ups,.. . 72, 177, 183, 279, 329, 395 whites, ...,.. _. . 401 Qnapaws, ... . 74, 179, 281, 397 Indian service in California, . .. . 400 Rogue Rivers, 74, 179, 281, 397 New Mexico T., 400 Sacs, 74, 75, 179, 180, 282, 397, 398