Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/923

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INDEX. 879 PAQ! man Wyandotte, (continued.) Yancton Tribe of Sioux or Daeotah Indians, (cont’d.) amendments by the Senate, 584 mills, &c., if injured, &c., value to be assent of the Wyandotte to amend- deducted from annuities, 746 ments,. 585 houses, &c., to be given to the Insignature and ratification, . . 585 dians, when, &-c., ... 746 portion of annuitie may be paid for debts, &e.,. . . . 746 Y not to exceed so much per annum, 746 · grants of land to Charles F. Pieotte and others . . . . .. . ... 746 Yanctons. See Yanpton Yribe, dec. persons other: than Indians or mixed appro rrations or . ... . . . . 409 bloods ma enter 160 acres at $1.25 Yancton Tgibe of Sioux; or Dacotah Indians, per acre, .. 746 tregty beige5g5g1e United States and, of 7 use of Redpipe Stone Quarry secured pri , . 43 to the Yanctons .. 746 date of sigiiature, ratification, and 7 United States maiy maintain military proc amation, . . 43 posts &c., ... 746 negotiators,. .: _. . . 743 no trade with Indians unless licensed,. 747 lands relinquished to the United land not to be alienated except, &c.,.. 747 States, except, &c., . 744 the Yanctons to preserve friendly relaboufndargzs ofdlainds reserved,. . 744 tions, &c., ... 747 0 an s ce e .. . .. 744 otienders to be surrendered .. 747 islands in the Missouri River ceded, 744 tribal annuities to be wiihheld from agreement as to title of lands con- those who drink, or procure for veyed,. .. . 744 others, intoxicating liquor, ... 747 neeessarygdroads} may be built across annuities not to be subject to debts, reserv an s, . 744 except &c., . . .. 747 damages to be paid therefor, 744 all demimds against the United _ Indians to remove, settle, and reside States, release , 74: on reservatrou in one year, ... 744 Indian agent for the Ynncwns, . 747 meanwhile present settlements expense of this agreement, &.c., to be guaranteed. 744 borne by the U. S., . 747 agreements Oll the part of the treaty. when to take efiect,. 747 United States, .. 744 I signature, consent of senate, and protection pn the reserved lands, 744 proclamation, ,. 748, 749 payment 0 annuities,. . 744 Yearwood William, Sr. sulgsistence, purchase of stock, land ivarrant to issiie to, ... 560 ·c. . .. 745 schools and school-houses,. 745 Indians to furnish apprentices, &c., for mills, .. 745 Z- allowance for schools may be _ I aiwmtinuai in cass, ec. , us Zadvck Pmrr, Ito mills and mechanic shops to bg Z1 register to issue to, .. . ... 446 furnished... 1 ... 745 vzibw m111s,s»c., not to be injured,, ... us ¤¤1¤iy <>f ¤<>¤¤¤1 at ---·-· - ·--·-·---···· 54