Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 1.djvu/216

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110 STAT. 192 PUBLIC LAW 104-106—FEB. 10, 1996 Sec. 632. Denial of non-regular service retired pay for Reserves receiving certain coxirt-martial sentences. Sec. 633. Report on payment of annuities for certain military surviving spouses. Sec. 634. Payment of back quarters and subsistence allowances to World War II veterans who served as guerilla fighters in the Philippines. Sec. 635. Authority for relief from previous overpayments under minimum income widows program. Sec. 636. Transitional compensation for dependents of members of the Armed Forces separated for dependent abuse. Subtitle E—Other Matters Sec. 641. Payment to survivors of deceased members for all leave accrued. Sec. 642. Repeal of reporting requirements regarding compensation matters. Sec. 643. Recoupment of administrative expenses in garnishment actions. Sec. 644. Report on extending to junior noncommissioned officers privileges provided for senior noncommissioned officers. Sec. 645. Study regarding joint process for determining location of recruiting stations. Sec. 646. Automatic maximum coverage under Servicemen's Group Life Insurance. Sec. 647. Termination of Servicemen's Group Life Insurance for members of the Ready Reserve who fail to pay premiums. TITLE VII—HEALTH CARE PROVISIONS Subtitle A—Health Care Services Sec. 701. Modification of requirements regarding routine physical examinations and immunizations under CHAMPUS. Sec. 702. Correction of inequities in medical and dental care and death and disability benefits for certain Reserves. Sec. 703. Medical care for surviving dependents of retired Reserves who die before age 60. Sec. 704. Medical and dental care for members of the Selected Reserve assigned to early deploying units of the Army Selected Reserve. Sec. 705. Dental insurance for members of the Selected Reserve. Sec. 706. Permanent authority to carry out specialized treatment facility program. Subtitle B—TRICARE Program Sec. 711. Definition of TRICARE program. Sec. 712. Priority use of military treatment facilities for persons enrolled in managed care initiatives. Sec. 713. Staggered payment of enrollment fees for TRICARE program. Sec. 714. Requirement of budget neutrality for TRICARE program to be based on entire program. Sec. 715. Training in health care management and administration for TRICARE lead agents. Sec. 716. Pilot program of individualized residential mental health services. Sec. 717. Evaluation and report on TRICARE program effectiveness. Sec. 718. Sense of Congress regarding access to health care under TRICARE program for covered beneficiaries who are medicare eligible. Subtitle C—Uniformed Services Treatment Facilities Sec. 721. Delay of termination of status of certain facilities as Uniformed Services Treatment Facilities. Sec. 722. Limitation on expenditures to support Uniformed Services Treatment Facilities. Sec. 723. Application of CHAMPUS payment rules in certain cases. Sec. 724. Application of Federal Acquisition Regulation to participation agreements with Uniformed Services Treatment Facilities. Sec. 725. Development of plan for integrating Uniformed Services Treatment Facilities in managed care programs of Department of Defense. Sec. 726. Equitable implementation of uniform cost sharing requirements for Uniformed Services Treatment Facilities. Sec. 727. Elimination of unnecessary annual reporting requirement regarding Uniformed Services Treatment Facilities. Subtitle D—Other Changes to Existing Laws Regarding Health Care Management Sec. 731. Maximum allowable payments to individual health-care providers under CHAMPUS. Sec. 732. Notification of certain CHAMPUS covered beneficiaries of loss of CHAMPUS eligibility.