Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 1.djvu/220

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110 STAT. 196 PUBLIC LAW 104-106—FEB. 10, 1996 Sec. 1132. Submission of matters to the convening authority for consideration. Sec. 1133. Commitment of accused to treatment facility by reason of lack of mental capacity or mental responsibility. Subtitle D—Appellate Matters Sec. 1141. Appeals by the United States. Sec. 1142. Repeal of termination of authority for Chief Justice of the United States to designate Article III judges for temporary service on Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. Subtitle E—Other Matters Sec. 1151. Advisory committee on criminal law jurisdiction over civilians accompanying the Armed Forces in time of armed conflict. Sec. 1152. Time after accession for initial instruction in the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Sec. 1153. Technical amendment. TITLE XII—COOPERATIVE THREAT REDUCTION WITH STATES OF FORMER SOVIET UNION Sec. 1201. Specification of Cooperative Threat Reduction programs. Sec. 1202. Fiscal year 1996 funding allocations. Sec. 1203. Prohibition on use of funds for peacekeeping exercises and related activities with Russia. Sec. 1204. Revision to authority for assistance for weapons destruction. Sec. 1205. Prior notice to Congress of obligation of funds. Sec. 1206. Report on accounting for United States assistance. Sec. 1207. Limitation on assistance to nuclear weapons scientists of former Soviet Union. Sec. 1208. Limitations relating to offensive biological warfare program of Russia. Sec. 1209. Limitation on use of funds for chemical weapons destruction facility. TITLE XIII—MATTERS RELATING TO OTHER NATIONS Subtitle A—Peacekeeping Provisions Sec. 1301. Limitation on use of Department of Defense funds for United States share of costs of United Nations peacekeeping activities. Subtitle B—Humanitarian Assistance Programs Sec. 1311. Overseas humanitarian, disaster, and civic aid programs. Sec. 1312. Humanitarian assistance. Sec. 1313. Landmine clearance program. Subtitle C—Arms Exports and Military Assistance Sec. 1321. Defense export loan guarantees. Sec. 1322. National security implications of United States export control policy. Sec. 1323. Department of Defense review of export licenses for certain biological pathogens. Sec. 1324. Annual reports on improving export control mechanisms and on military assistance. Sec. 1325. Report on personnel requirements for control of transfer of certain weapons. Subtitle D—Burdensharing and Other Cooperative Activities Involving Allies and NATO Sec. 1331. Accounting for burdensharing contributions. Sec. 1332. Authority to accept contributions for expenses of relocation within host nation of United States Armed Forces overseas. Sec. 1333. Revised goal for allied share of costs for United States installations in Europe. Sec. 1334. Exclusion of certain forces from European end strength limitation. Sec. 1335. Cooperative research and development agreements with NATO organizations. I Sec. 1336. Support services for the Navy at the port of Haifa, Israel. I Subtitle E—Other Matters • Sec. 1341. Prohibition on financial assistance to terrorist countries. I Sec. 1342. Judicial assistance to the International Tribunal for Yugoslavia and to the International Tribunal for Rwanda. I Sec. 1343. Semiannual reports concerning United States-People's Republic of China , Joint Defense Conversion Commission.