Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 1.djvu/334

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110 STAT. 310 PUBLIC LAW 104-106—FEB. 10, 1996 section if the person is eligible for the prisoner-of-war medal under section 1128 of title 10, United States Code. 10 USC 1130 SEC. 522. AUTHORITY TO AWARD DECORATIONS RECOGNIZING ACTS note. OF VALOR PERFORMED IN COMBAT DURING THE VIETNAM CONFLICT. (a) FINDINGS. —Congress makes the following findings: (1) The la Drang Valley (Pleiku) campaign, carried out by the Armed Forces in the la Drang Valley of Vietnam from October 23, 1965, to November 26, 1965, is illustrative of the many battles during the Vietnam conflict which pitted forces of the United States against North Vietnamese Army regulars and Viet Cong in vicious fighting. (2) Accounts of those battles that have been published since the end of that conflict authoritatively document numerous and repeated acts of extraordinary heroism, sacrifice, and bravery on the part of members of the Armed Forces, many of which have never been officially recognized. (3) In some of those battles. United States military units suffered substantial losses, with some units sustaining casualties in excess of 50 percent. (4) The incidence of heavy casualties throughout the Vietnam conflict inhibited the timely collection of comprehensive and detailed information to support recommendations for awards recognizing acts of heroism, sacrifice, and bravery. (5) Subsequent requests to the Secretaries of the military departments for review of award recommendations for such acts have been denied because of restrictions in law and regulations that require timely filing of such recommendations and documented justification. (6) Acts of heroism, sacrifice, and bravery performed in combat by members of the Armed Forces deserve appropriate and timely recognition by the people of the United States. (7) It is appropriate to recognize acts of heroism, sacrifice, or bravery that are belatedly, but properly, documented by persons who witnessed those acts. (b) WAIVER OF TIME LIMITATIONS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AWARDS.— (1) Any decoration covered by paragraph (2) may be awarded, without regard to any time limit imposed by law or regulation for a recommendation for such award to any person for actions by that person in the Southeast Asia theater of operations while serving on active duty during the Vietnam era. The waiver of time limitations under this paragraph applies only in the case of awards for acts of valor for which a request for consideration is submitted under subsection (c). (2) Paragraph (1) applies to any decoration (including any device in lieu of a decoration) that, during or after the Vietnam era and before the date of the enactment of this Act, was authorized by law or under regulations of the Department of Defense or the military department concerned to be awarded to members of the Armed Forces for acts of valor. (c) REVIEW OF REQUESTS FOR CONSIDERATION OF AWARDS.— (1) The Secretary of each military department shall review each request for consideration of award of a decoration described in subsection (b) that are received by the Secretary during the oneyear period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act.