Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 1.djvu/493

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PUBLIC LAW 104-106—FEB. 10, 1996 110 STAT. 469 TITLE XII—COOPERATIVE THREAT RE- DUCTION WITH STATES OF FORMER SOVIET UNION SEC. 1201. SPECIFICATION OF COOPERATIVE THREAT REDUCTION 22 USC 5955 PROGRAMS. note. (a) IN GENERAL.— For purposes of section 301 and other provisions of this Act, Cooperative Threat Reduction programs are the programs specified in subsection (b). (b) SPECIFIED PROGRAMS.— The programs referred to in subsection (a) are the following programs with respect to states of the former Soviet Union: (1) Programs to facilitate the elimination, and the safe and secure transportation and storage, of nuclear, chemical, and other weapons and their delivery vehicles. (2) Programs to facilitate the safe and secure storage of fissile materials derived from the elimination of nuclear weapons. (3) Programs to prevent the proliferation of weapons, weapons components, and weapons-related technology and expertise. (4) Programs to expand military-to-military and defense contacts. SEC. 1202. FISCAL YEAR 1996 FUNDING ALLOCATIONS. (a) IN GENERAL. —Of the amount appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 301 for Cooperative Threat Reduction programs, not more than the following amounts may be obligated for the purposes specified: (1) For elimination of strategic offensive weapons in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, $90,000,000. (2) For weapons security in Russia, $42,500,000. (3) For the Defense Enterprise Fund, $0. (4) For nuclear infrastructure elimination in Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, $35,000,000. (5) For planning and design of a storage facility for Russian fissile material, $29,000,000. (6) For planning and design of a chemical weapons destruction facility in Russia, $73,000,000. (7) For activities designated as Defense and Military Contacts/General Support/Training in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, $10,000,000. (8) For activities designated as Other Assessments/Support $20,500,000. (b) LIMITED AUTHORITY TO VARY INDIVIDUAL AMOUNTS. — (1) If the Secretary of Defense determines that it is necessary to do so in the national interest, the Secretary may, subject to paragraph (2), obligate amounts for the purposes stated in any of the paragraphs of subsection (a) in excess of the amount specified for those purposes in that paragraph, but not in excess of 115 percent of that amount. However, the total amount obligated for the purposes stated in the paragraphs in subsection (a) may not by reason of the use of the authority provided in the preceding sentence exceed the sum of the amounts specified in those paragraphs.