Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 1.djvu/543

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PUBLIC LAW 104-106—FEB. 10, 1996 110 STAT. 519 (2) to sell such items to purchasers in accordance with section 1614(b). (c) PARTS. —The Secretary may make available to the Corporation any part from a rifle designated to be demilitarized in the inventory of the Department of the Army. (d) VESTING OF TITLE IN TRANSFERRED ITEMS.— Title to an item transferred to the Corporation under this section shall vest in the Corporation— (1) upon the issuance of the item to a recipient eligible under section 1614(a) to receive the item; or (2) immediately before the Corporation delivers the item to a purchaser of the item in accordance with a contract for a sale of the item that is authorized under section 1614(b). (e) COSTS OF TRANSFERS.— Any transfer of firearms, ammunition, or parts to the Corporation under this section shall be made without cost to the Corporation, except that the Corporation shall assume the cost of preparation and transportation of firearms and ammunition transferred under this section. SEC. 1616. RESERVATION BY THE ARMY OF FIREARMS AND AMMUNI- 36 USC 5506. TION FOR THE CORPORATION. (a) RESERVATION OF FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION.— The Secretary of the Army shall reserve for the Corporation the following: (1) All firearms referred to in section 1615(a). (2) Ammunition for such firearms. (3) All M-16 rifles used to support the small arms firing school that are held by the Department of the Army on the date of the enactment of this Act. (4) Any parts from, and accessories and accouterments for, surplus caliber.30 and caliber.22 rimfire rifles. (b) STORAGE OF FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION. — Firearms stored at Anniston Army Depot, Anniston, Alabama, before the date of the enactment of this Act and used for the Civilian Marksmanship Program shall remain at that facility, or another storage facility designated by the Secretary of the Army, without cost to the Corporation, until the firearms are issued, loaned, or sold by, or otherwise transferred to, the Corporation. (c) LIMITATION ON DEMILITARIZATION OF M-1 RIFLES. —After the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary may not demilitarize any M-1 Garand rifle in the inventory of the Army unless that rifle is determined by the Defense Logistics Agency to be unserviceable. (d) EXCEPTION FOR TRANSFERS TO FEDERAL AND STATE AGEN- CIES FOR COUNTERDRUG PURPOSES. —The requirement specified in subsection (a) does not supersede the authority provided in section 1208 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 (Public Law 101-189; 10 U.S.C. 372 note). SEC. 1617. ARMY LOGISTICAL SUPPORT FOR THE PROGRAM. 36 USC 5507. (a) LOGISTICAL StrppoRT. —The Secretary of the Army shall provide logistical support to the Civilian Marksmanship Program and for competitions and other activities conducted by the Corporation. The Corporation shall reimburse the Secretary for incremental direct costs incurred in providing such support. Such reimbursements shall be credited to the appropriations account of the Department of the Army that is charged to provide such support. (b) RESERVE COMPONENT PERSONNEL.— The Secretary shall provide, without cost to the Corporation, for the use of members