Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 1.djvu/698

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110 STAT. 674 PUBLIC LAW 104-106—FEB. 10, 1996 (B) by striking out "such Act of August 24, 1935" and inserting in lieu thereof "the Miller Act". (c) SMALL BUSINESS ACT.— The Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632 et seq.) is amended as follows: / (1) Section 8(d) (15 U.S.C. 637(d)) is^ amended— (A) in paragraph (1), by striking out the second comma after "small business concerns" the first place it appears; and (B) in paragraph (6)(C), by striking out "and small business concerns owned and controlled by the socially and economically disadvantaged individuals" and inserting in lieu thereof ", small business concerns owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, and small business concerns owned and controlled by women". (2) Section 8(f) (15 U.S.C. 637(f)) is amended by inserting "and" after the semicolon at the end of paragraph (5). (3) Section 15(g)(2) (15 U.S.C. 644(g)(2)) is amended by striking out the second comma after the first appearance of "small business concerns". (d) TITLE 31, UNITED STATES CODE.—Title 31, United States Code, is amended as follows: (1) Section 3551 is amended— (A) by striking out "subchapter—" and inserting in lieu thereof "subchapter:"; and (B) in paragraph (2), by striking out "or proposed contract" and inserting in lieu thereof "or a solicitation or other request for offers". (2) Section 3553(b)(3) is amended by striking out "3 5 54(a)(3)" and inserting in lieu thereof "3554(a)(4)". (3) Section 3554(b)(2) is amended by striking out "section 3553(d)(2)(A)(i)" and inserting in lieu thereof "section 3553(d)(3)(C)(i)(I)". (e) FEDERAL PROPERTY AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ACT OF 1949. —The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 is amended as follows: (1) The table of contents in section 1 (40 U.S.C. 471 prec.) is amended— (A) by striking out the item relating to section 104; (B) by striking out the item relating to section 201 and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Sec. 201. Procurements, warehousing, and related activities."; (C) by inserting after the item relating to section 315 the following new item: "Sec. 316. Merit-based award of grants for research and development."; (D) by striking out the item relating to section 603 and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Sec. 603. Authorizations for appropriations and transfer authority."; and (E) by inserting after the item relating to section 605 the following new item: "Sec. 606. Sex discrimination. ". (2) Section 303(f)(2)(D) (41 U.S.C. 253(f)(2)(D)) is amended by striking out "the Act of June 25, 1938 (41 U.S.C. 46 et seq.), popularly referred to as the Wagner-O'Day Act," and