Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 2.djvu/332

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110 STAT. 1321-185 PUBLIC LAW 104-134—APR. 26, 1996 projects within the scope of the approved budget which shall be carried out by the Youth Conservation Corps as authorized by the Act of August 13, 1970, as amended by Public Law 93-408. None of the funds available in this Act shall be used for timber sale preparation using clearcutting in hardwood stands in excess of 25 percent of the fiscal year 1989 harvested volume in the Wayne National Forest, Ohio: Provided, That this limitation shall not apply to hardwood stands damaged by natural disaster: Provided further, That landscape architects shall be used to maintain a visually pleasing forest. Any money collected from the States for fire suppression assistance rendered by the Forest Service on non-Federal lands not in the vicinity of National Forest System lands shall be used to reimburse the applicable appropriation and shall remain available until expended as the Secretary may direct in conducting activities authorized by 16 U.S.C. 2101 (note), 2101-2110 1606, and 2111. Of the funds available to the Forest Service, $1,500 is available to the Chief of the Forest Service for official reception and representation expenses. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Forest Service is authorized to employ or otherwise contract with persons at regular rates of pay, as determined by the Service, to perform work occasioned by emergencies such as fires, storms, floods, earthqusikes or any other unavoidable cause without regard to Sundays, Federal holidays, and the regular workweek. To the greatest extent possible, and in accordance with the Final Amendment to the Shawnee National Forest Plan, none of the funds available in this Act shall be used for preparation of timber sales using clearcutting or other forms of even aged management in hardwood stands in the Shawnee National Forest, Illinois. Funds appropriated to the Forest Service shall be available for interactions with and providing technical assistance to rural communities for sustainable rural development purposes. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, eighty percent of the funds appropriated to the Forest Service in the National Forest System and Construction accounts and planned to be allocated to activities under the "Jobs in the Woods" program for projects on National Forest land in the State of Washington may be granted directly to the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife for accomplishment of planned projects. Twenty percent of said funds shall be retained by the Forest Service for planning and administering projects. Project selection and prioritization shall be accomplished by the Forest Service with such consultation with the State of Washington as the Forest Service deems appropriate. For one year after enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall continue the current Tongass Land Management Plan (TLMP) and may accommodate commercial tourism (if an agreement is signed between the Forest Service and the Alaska Visitors' Association) except that during this period, the Secretary shall maintain at least the number of acres of suitable available and suitable scheduled timber lands, and Allowable Sale Quantity as identified in the Preferred Alternative (Alternative P) in the Tongass Land and Resources Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement (dated October 1992) as selected in the Record of Decision Review Draft #3-2/93. Nothing in this paragraph shall be interpreted to mandate clear-cutting or require the sale of timber and nothing in this paragraph, including the ASQ identified in Alter-