Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 2.djvu/375

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PUBLIC LAW 104-134—APR. 26, 1996 110 STAT. 1321-228 SEC. 204. None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to withhold payment to any State under the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act by reason of a determination that the State is not in compliance with section 1340.2(d)(2)(ii) of title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations. This provision expires upon the date of enactment of the reauthorization of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act or upon September 30, 1996, whichever occurs first. SEC. 205. None of the funds appropriated in this or any other Act for the National Institutes of Health and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration shall be used to pay the salary of an individual, through a grant or other extramural mechanism, at a rate in excess of $125,000 per year. Sec. 206. None of the funds appropriated in this Act may be expended pursuant to section 241 of the Public Health Service Act, except for funds specifically provided for in this Act, or for other taps and assessments made by any office located in the Department of Health and Human Services, prior to the Secretary's preparation and submission of a report to the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate and of the House detailing the planned uses of such funds. (TRANSFER OF FUNDS) SEC. 207. Of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Health and Human Services, General Departmental Management, for fiscal year 1996, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall transfer to the Office of the Inspector CJeneral such sums as may be necessary for any expenses with respect to the provision of security protection for the Secretary of Health and Human Services. SEC. 208. Notwithstanding section 106 of Public Law 104^ 91 and section 106 of lihiblic Law 104-99, appropriations for the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shall be available for fiscal year 1996 as specified in section 101 of Public Law 104-91 and section 128 of Public Law 104-99. SEC. 209. None of the funds appropriated in this Act may be obligated or expended for the Federal Council on Aging under the Older Americans Act or the Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect under the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act. SEC. 210. Of the funds provided for the account heading "Disease Control, Research, and Training" in Public Law 104-91, $31,642,000, to be derived from the Violent Crime Reduction Trust Fund, is hereby available for carr3ring out sections 40151, 40261, and 40293 of Public Law 103-322 notwithstanding any provision ofPublic Law 104-91. (TRANSFER OF FUNDS) SEC. 211. Not to exceed 1 percent of any appropriation made available for the current fiscal year for the Department of Health and Human Services in this Act may be transferred between such appropriations, but no such appropriation shall be increased by more than 3 percent by any such transfers: Provided, That the Appropriations Committees of both Houses of Congress are notified at least fifteen days in advance of any transfers. Termination date. Reports.