Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 2.djvu/41

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PUBLIC LAW 104-132—APR. 24, 1996 110 STAT. 1215 Sec. 302. Designation of foreign terrorist organizations. Sec. 303. Prohibition on terrorist fundraising. Subtitle B—Prohibition on Assistance to Terrorist States Sec. 321. Financial transactions with terrorists. Sec. 322. Foreign air travel safety. Sec. 323. Modification of material support provision. Sec. 324. Findings. Sec. 325. Prohibition on assistance to countries that aid terrorist states. Sec. 326. Prohibition on assistance to countries that provide military equipment to terrorist states. Sec. 327. Opposition to assistance by international financial institutions to terrorist states. Sec. 328. A ntiterro rism assistance. Sec. 329. Definition of assistance. Sec. 330. Prohibition on assistance under Arms Export Control Act for countries not cooperating fully with United States antiterrorism efforts. TITLE IV—TERRORIST AND CRIMINAL ALIEN REMOVAL AND EXCLUSION Subtitle A—Removal of Alien Terrorists Sec. 401. Alien terrorist removal. Subtitle B—Exclusion of Members and Representatives of Terrorist Organizations Sec. 411. Exclusion of alien terrorists. Sec. 412. Weiiver authority concerning notice of denial of application for visas. Sec. 413. Denial of other relief for alien terrorists. Sec. 414. Exclusion of aliens who have not been inspected and admitted. Subtitle C—Modification to Asylum Procedures Sec. 421. Denial of asylum to alien terrorists. Sec. 422. Inspection and exclusion by immigration officers. Sec. 423. Judicial review. Subtitle D—Criminal Alien Procedural Improvements Sec. 431. Access to certain confidential immigration and naturalization files through court order. Sec. 432. Criminal alien identification system. Sec. 433. Establishing certain alien smugghng-related crimes as RICO-predicate of- fenses. Sec. 434. Authority for aUen smuggling investigations. Sec. 435. Expansion of criteria for deportation for crimes of moral turpitude. Sec. 436. Miscellaneous provisions. Sec. 437. Interior repatriation program. Sec. 438. Deportation of nonviolent offenders prior to completion of sentence of imprisonment. Sec. 439. Authorizing State and local law enforcement officials to arrest and detain certain illegal aliens. Sec. 440. Criminal alien removal. Sec. 441. Limitation on collateral attacks on underlying deportation order. Sec. 442. Deportation procedures for certain criminal miens who are not permanent re sidents. Sec. 443. Extradition of aliens. TITLE V—NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL, AND CHEMICAL WEAPONS RESTRICTIONS Subtitle A—Nuclear Materials Sec. 501. Findings and purpose. Sec. 502. Expansion of scope and jurisdictional bases of nuclear materials prohibitions. Sec. 503. Report to Congress on thefts of explosive materials from armories. Subtitle B—Biological Weapons Restrictions Sec. 511. Enhanced penalties and control of biological agents. Subtitle C—Chemical Weapons Restrictions Sec. 521. Chemical weapons of mass destruction; study of facility for training and evaluation of personnel who respond to use of chemical or biological weapons in urban and suburban areas.