Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 2.djvu/414

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110 STAT. 1321-267 PUBLIC LAW 104-134—APR. 26, 1996 to the Treasury shall be used by State housing finance agencies or local governments or local housing agencies with projects approved by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for which settlement occurred after January 1, 1992, in accordance with such section: Provided further. That of the total amount provided under this head, $171,000,000 shall be for housing opportunities for persons with AIDS under title VIII, subtitle D of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act; and $65,000,000 shall be for the lead-based paint hazard reduction program as authorized under sections 1011 and 1053 of the Residential Lead-Based Hazard Reduction Act of 1992: Provided further, That the Secretary may make up to $5,000,000 of any amount recaptured in this account available for the development of performance and financial systems. 12 USC 4101 Of the total amount provided under this head, $624,000,000, note. plus amounts recaptured from interest reduction payment contracts for section 236 projects whose owners prepay their mortgages during fiscal year 1996 (which amounts shall be transferred and merged with this account), shall be for use in conjunction with properties that are eligible for assistance under the Low Income Housing Preservation and Resident Homeownership Act of 1990 (LIHPRHA) or the Emergency Low-Income Housing Preservation Act of 1987 (ELIHPA): Provided, That prior to August 15, 1996, funding to carry out plans of action shall be limited to sales of projects to non-profit organizations, tenant-sponsored organizations, and other priority purchasers: Provided further, That of the amount made available by this paragraph, up to $10,000,000 shall be available for preservation technical assistance grants pursuant to section 253 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987, as amended: Provided further. That with respect to amounts made available by this paragraph, after August 15, 1996, if the Secretary determines that the demand for funding may exceed amounts available for such funding, the Secretary (1) may determine priorities for distributing available funds, including giving priority funding to tenants displaced due to mortgage prepayment and to projects that have not yet been funded but which have approved plans of action; and (2) may impose a temporary moratorium on applications by potential recipients of such funding: Provided further, That an owner of eligible low-income housing may prepay the mortgage or request voluntary termination of a mortgage insurance contract, so long as said owner agrees not to raise rents for sixty days after such prepayment: Provided further. That an owner of eligible low-income housing who has not timely filed a second notice under section 216(d) prior to the effective date of this Act may file such notice by April 15, 1996: Provided further. That such developments have been determined to have preservation equity at least equal to the lesser of $5,000 per unit or $500,000 per project or the equivalent of eight times the most recently published fair market rent for the area in which the project is located as the appropriate unit size for all of the units in the eligible project: Provided further. That the Secretary may modify the regulatory agreement to permit owners and priority purchasers to retain rental income in excess of the basic rental charge in projects assisted under section 236 of the National Housing Act, for the purpose of preserving the low and moderate income character of the housing: Provided further. That the Secretary may give priority to funding and processing the following projects provided that the funding