Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 2.djvu/494

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110 STAT. 1321-347 PUBLIC LAW 104-134—APR. 26, 1996 (B) the Secretary determines that the sale of the material will not have an adverse material impact on the domestic uranium mining, conversion, or enrichment industry, taking into account the sales of uranium under the Russian HEU Agreement and the Suspension Agreement, and (C) the price paid to the Secretary will not be less than the fair market value of the material. (e) GOVERNMENT TRANSFERS.— Notwithstanding subsection (d)(2), the Secretary may transfer or sell enriched uranium— (1) to a Federal agency if the material is transferred for the use of the receiving agency without any resale or transfer to another entity and the material does not meet commercial specifications; (2) to any person for national security purposes, as determined by the Secretary; or (3) to any State or local agency or nonprofit, charitable, or educational institution for use other than the generation of electricity for commercial use. (f) SAVINGS PROVISION.—Nothing in this subchapter shall be read to modify the terms of the Russian HEU Agreement. 42 USC 2297h- SEC. 3113. LOW-LEVEL WASTE. (a) RESPONSIBILITY OF DOE.— (1) The Secretary, at the request of the generator, shall accept for disposal low-level radioactive waste, including depleted uranium if it were ultimately determined to be low-level radioactive waste, generated by— (A) the Corporation as a result of the operations of the gaseous diffusion plants or as a result of the treatment of such wastes at a location other than the gaseous diffusion plants, or (B) any person licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to operate a uranium enrichment facility under sections 53, 63, and 193 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2073, 2093, and 2243). (2) Except as provided in paragraph (3), the generator shall reimburse the Secretary for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste pursuant to paragraph (1) in an amount equal to the Secretary's costs, including a pro rata share of any capital costs, but in no event more than an amount equal to that which would be charged by commercial. State, regional, or interstate compact entities for disposal of such waste. (3) In the event depleted uranium were ultimately determined to be low-level radioactive waste, the generator shall reimburse the Secretary for the disposal of depleted uranium pursuant to paragraph (1) in an amount equal to the Secretary's costs, including a pro rata share of any capital costs. (b) AGREEMENTS WITH OTHER PERSONS.— The generator may also enter into agreements for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste subject to subsection (a) with any person other than the Secretary that is authorized by applicable laws and regulations to dispose of such wastes. (c) STATE OR INTERSTATE COMPACTS. — Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no State or interstate compact shall be liable for the treatment, storage, or disposal of any low-level radioactive waste (including mixed waste) attributable to the operation, decontamination, and decommissioning of any uranium enrichment facility.