Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 2.djvu/732

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110 STAT. 1524 PUBLIC LAW 104-170—AUG. 3, 1996 Rules. Federal Register, publication. "(B) issue a rule requiring that testing be conducted on a substance or mixture under section 4 of the Toxic Substances Control Act; or "(C) publish in the Federal Register, after first providing notice and an opportunity for comment of not less than 60 days' duration, an order— "(i) requiring the submission to the Administrator by one or more interested persons of a notice identify- ing the person or persons who will submit the required data and information; "(ii) describing the type of data and information required to be submitted to the Administrator and stating why the data and information could not be obtained under the authority of section 3(c)(2)(B) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act or section 4 of the Toxic Substances Control Act; "(iii) describing the reports of the Administrator required to be prepared during and after the collection of the data and information; "(iv) requiring the submission to the Administrator of the data, information, and reports referred to in clauses (ii) and (iii); and "(v) establishing dates by which the submissions described in clauses (i) and (iv) must be made. The Administrator may under subparagraph (C) revise any such order to correct an error. The Administrator may under this paragraph require data or information pertaining to whether the pesticide chemical may have an effect in humans that is similar to an effect produced by a naturally occurring estrogen or other endocrine effects. "(2) NONCOMPLIANCE.— If a submission required by a notice issued in accordance with paragraph (1)(A), a rule issued under paragraph (1)(B), or an order issued under paragraph (1)(C) is not made by the time specified in such notice, rule, or order, the Administrator may by order published in the Federal Register modify or revoke the tolerance or exemption in question. In any review of such an order under subsection (g)(2), the only material issue shall be whether a submission required under paragraph (1) was not made by the time specified. "(g) EFFECTIVE DATE, OBJECTIONS, HEARINGS, AND ADMINISTRA- TIVE REVIEW. — "(1) EFFECTIVE DATE. —^A regulation or order issued under subsection (d)(4), (e)(1), or (f)(2) shall take effect upon publication unless the regulation or order specifies otherwise. The Administrator may stay the effectiveness of the regulation or order if, after issuance of such regulation or order, objections are filed with respect to such regulation or order pursuant to paragraph (2). " (2) FURTHER PROCEEDINGS.— "(A) OBJECTIONS.—Within 60 days after a regulation or order is issued under subsection (d)(4), (e)(1)(A), (e)(1)(B), (f)(2), (n)(3), or (n)(5)(C), any person may file objections thereto with the Administrator, specifying with particularity the provisions of the regulation or order deemed objectionable and stating reasonable grounds therefor. If the regulation or order was issued in response to a petition under subsection (d)(1), a copy of each objection filed by