Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 2.djvu/795

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PUBLIC LAW 104-180—AUG. 6, 1996 110 STAT. 1587 the amounts appropriated shall be transferred to loan program and grant accounts as determined by the Secretary: Provided further, That, of the total amount appropriated, not to exceed $3,000,000 shall be available for cooperative development: Provided further. That, of the total amount appropriated, not to exceed $148,000 shall be available for the cost of direct loans, loan guarantees, and grguits to be made available for business and industry loans for empowerment zones and enterprise communities as authorized by Public Law 103-66 and rural development loans for empowerment zones and enterprise communities as authorized by title XIII of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993: Provided further, That if such funds are not obligated for empowerment zones and enterprise communities by June 30, 1997, they remain available for other authorized purposes under this head. SAL,ARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses of the Rural Business—Cooperative Service, including administering the programs authorized by the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, as amended; section 1323 of the Food Security Act of 1985; the Cooperative Marketing Act of 1926; for activities relating to the marketing aspects of cooperatives, including economic research findings, as authorized by the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946; for activities with institutions concerning the development and operation of agricultural cooperatives; and cooperative agreements; $25,680,000: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available for employment pursuant to the second sentence of 706(a) of the Organic Act of 1944, and not to exceed $260,000 may be used for employment under 5 U.S.C. 3109. RURAL UTILITIES SERVICE RURAL ELECTRIFICATION AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS LOANS PROGRAM ACCOUNT (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS) Insured loans pursuant to the authority of section 305 of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as amended (7 U.S.C. 935), shall be made as follows: 5 percent rural electrification loans, $125,000,000, 5 percent rural telecommunications loans, $75,000,000; cost of money rural telecommunications loans, $300,000,000; municipal rate rural electric loans, $525,000,000; and loans made pursuant to section 306 of that Act, rural electric, $300,000,000, and rural telecommunications, $120,000,000, to remain available until expended. For the cost, as defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, including the cost of modifying loans, of direct and guaranteed loans authorized by the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as amended (7 LT^.S.C. 935), as follows: cost of direct loans, $4,818,000; cost of municipal rate loans, $28,245,000; cost of money rural telecommunications loans, $60,000; cost of loans guaranteed pursuant to section 306, $2,790,000: Provided, That notwithstanding section 305(d)(2) of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, borrower interest rates may exceed 7 percent per year.