Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 2.djvu/890

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110 STAT. 1682 PUBLIC LAW 104-182—AUG. 6, 1996 "(A) within 2 years after the date of enactment of this section, conduct pilot waterbome disease occurrence studies for at least 5 major United States communities or public water systems; and Reports. "(B) within 5 years after the date of enactment of this section, prepare a report on the findings of the pilot studies, and a national estimate of waterbome disease occurrence. "(2) TRAINING AND EDUCATION. — The Director and Administrator shall jointly establish a national health care provider training and public education campaign to inform both the professional health care provider community and the general public about waterbome disease and the sjmaptoms that may be caused by infectious agents, including microbial contaminants. In developing such a campaign, they shall seek comment from interested groups and individuals, including scientists, physicians, State and local governments, environmental groups, public water systems, and vulnerable populations. "(3) FUNDING.— There are authorized to be appropriated for each of the fiscal years 1997 through 2001, $3,000,000 to carry out this subsection. To the extent funds under this subsection are not fully appropriated, the Administrator may use not more than $2,000,000 of the funds from amounts reserved under section 1452(n) for health effects studies for purposes of this subsection. The Administrator may transfer a portion of such funds to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for such purposes.". TITLE II—DRINKING WATER RESEARCH SEC. 201. DRINKING WATER RESEARCH AUTHORIZATION. Other than amounts authorized to be appropriated to the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency under other titles of this Act, there are authorized to be appropriated such additional sums as may be necessary for drinking water research for fiscal years 1997 through 2003. The annual total of such additional sums authorized to be appropriated under this section shall not exceed $26,593,000. 42 USC 300J-1 SEC. 202. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH REVIEW. TM*®" (a) IN GENERAL. — The Administrator shall— (1) develop a strategic plan for drinking water research activities throughout the Environmental Protection Agency (in this section referred to as the "Agency^'); (2) integrate that strategic plan into ongoing Agency planning activities; and (3) review all Agency drinking water research to ensure the research— (A) is of high quality; and (B) does not duplicate Einy other research being conducted by the Agency. Public (b) PLAN.—The Administrator shall transmit the plan to the information. Committees on Commerce and Science of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate and the plan shall be made available to the public.