Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 3.djvu/646

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110 STAT. 2376 PUBLIC LAW 104-194—SEPT. 9, 1996 Reorganization Act, Public Law 93-198, approved December 24, 1973, without revision but subject to recommendations. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act, Public Law 93-198, approved December 24, 1973, the Council may comment or make recommendations concerning such estimates, but shall have no authority to revise such estimates. POLICE AND FIRE FIGHTER DISABILITY RETIREMENTS SEC. 143. (a) Up to 50 police officers and up to 50 Fire and Emergency Medical Services members with less than 20 years of departmental service who were hired before February 14, 1980, and who retire on disability before the end of calendar year 1997 shall be excluded from the computation of the rate of disability retirements under subsection 145(a) of the District of Columbia Retirement Reform Act of 1979 (93 Stat. 882; D.C. Code, sec. l-725(a)), for purposes of reducing the authorized Federal payment to the District of Columbia Police Officers and Fire Fighters' Retirement Fund pursuant to subsection 145(c) of the District of Columbia Retirement Reform Act of 1979. (b) The Mayor, within 30 days after the enactment of this provision, shall engage an enrolled actuary, to be paid by the District of Columbia Retirement Board, and shall comply with the requirements of section 142(d) and section 144(d) of the District of Columbia Retirement Reform Act of 1979 (Public Law 96-122, approved November 17, 1979; D.C. Code, secs. l -722(d) and 1- 724(d)). Effective date. (c) This section shall not go into effect until 15 days after Reports. the Mayor transmits the actuarial report required by section 142(d) of the District of Columbia Retirement Reform Act of 1979 (Public Law 96-122, approved November 17, 1979) to the District of Columbia Retirement Board, the Spe^er of the House of Representatives, and the President pro tempore of the Senate. SEC. 144. (a) Section 451(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Self- Government and Governmental Reorganization Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Code, sec. 1-1130(c)(3)), is amended by striking the word "section" and inserting the word "subsection" in its place. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SCHOOL REFORM SEC. 145. Section 2204(c)(2) of the District of Columbia School Ante. p. 1321- Reform Act of 1995 (Public Law 104^134) is amended to read 119- as follows: " (2) TUITION, FEES, AND PAYMENTS.— "(A) PROHIBITION. —^A public charter school may not, with respect to any student other than a nonresident student, charge tuition, impose fees, or otherwise require pay- ment for participation in any program, educational offering, or activity that— "(i) enrolls students in any grade from kindergarten through grade 12; or "(ii) is funded in whole or part through an annual local appropriation. "(B) EXCEPTION. —^A public chsirter school may impose fees or otherwise require payment, at rates established by the Board of Trustees of the school, for any program,