Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 4.djvu/361

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PUBLIC LAW 104-208—SEPT. 30, 1996 110 STAT. 3009 -198 has been a loss: Provided further, That unobligated balances previously made available (1) to liquidate obligations owed tribal and individual Indian payees of any checks canceled pursuant to section 1003 of the Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987 (Public Law 100-86; 31 U.S.C. 3334(b)), (2) to restore Individual Indian Monies trust funds, Indian Irrigation Systems, and Indian Power Systems accounts amounts invested in credit unions or defaulted savings and loan associations and which where not Federally insured, including any interest on these amounts that may have been earned, but was not because of the default, and (3) to reimburse Indian trust fund account holders for losses to their respective accounts where the claim for said loss has been reduced to a judgement or settlement agreement approved by the Department of Justice, under the heading "Indian Land and Water Claim Settlements and Miscellaneous Payments to Indians", Bureau of Indian Affairs in fiscal years 1995 and 1996, are hereby transferred to and merged with this appropriation and may only be used for the operation of trust programs, in accordance with this appropriation. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS There is hereby authorized for acquisition from available resources within the Working Capital Fund, 15 aircraft, 10 of which shall be for replacement and which may be obtained by donation, purchase or through available excess surplus property: Provided, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, existing aircraft being replaced may be sold, with proceeds derived or trade-in value used to offset the purchase price for the replacement aircraft: Provided further. That no programs funded with appropriated funds in "Departmental Management", "Office of the Solicitor", and "QjHice of Inspector General" may be augmented through the Working Capital Fund or the Consolidated Working Fund. GENERAL PROVISIONS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR SEC. 101. Appropriations made in this title shall be available for expenditure or transfer (within each bureau or office), with the approval of the Secretary, for the emergency reconstruction, replacement, or repair of aircraft, buildings, utilities, or other facilities or equipment damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, storm, or other unavoidable causes: Provided, That no funds shall be made available under this authority until funds specifically made available to the Department of the Interior for emergencies shall have been exhausted: Provided further. That all funds used pursuant to this section are hereby designated by Congress to be "emergency requirements" pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(D) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, and must be replenished by a supplemental appropriation which must be requested as promptly as possible. SEC. 102. The Secretary may authorize the expenditure or transfer of any no year appropriation in this title, in addition to the amounts included in the budget programs of the several agencies, for the suppression or emergency prevention of forest or range fires on or threatening lands under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior; for the emergency rehabilitation of burned-over lands under its jurisdiction; for emergency actions related to potential or actual earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, storms,