Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 4.djvu/38

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110 STAT. 2884 PUBLIC LAW 104-204—SEPT. 26, 1996 vided under this head, $350,000,000 shall be available for use in conjunction with properties that are eligible for assistance under the Low-Income Housing Preservation and Resident Homeownership Act of 1990 (LIHPRHA) or the Emergency Low Income Housing Preservation Act of 1987 (ELIHPA), of which $75,000,000 shall be available for obligation until March 1, 1997 for projects (1) that are subject to a repayment or settlement agreement that was executed between the owner and the Secretary prior to September 1, 1995; (2) whose submissions were delayed as a result of their location in areas that were designated as a Federal disaster area in a Presidential Disaster Declaration; or (3) whose processing was, in fact or in practical effect, suspended, deferred, or interrupted for a period of twelve months or more because of differing interpretations, by the Secretary and an owner or by the Secretary and a State or local rent regulatory agency, concerning the timing of filing eligibility or the effect of a presumptively applicable State or local rent control law or regulation on the determination of preservation value under section 213 of LIHPRHA, as amended, if the owner of such project filed notice of intent to extend the low-income affordability restrictions of the housing, or transfer to a qualified purchaser who would extend such restrictions, on or before November 1, 1993; and of which, up to $100,000,000 may be used for rental assistance to prevent displacement of families residing in projects whose owners prepay their mortgages; and the balance of which shall be available from the effective date of this Act for sales to preferred priority purchasers: Provided further. That with the exception of projects described in clauses (1), (2), or (3) of the preceding proviso, the Secretary shall, notwithstanding any other provision of law, suspend further processing of preservation applications which have not heretofore received approval of a plan of action: Provided further, That $150,000,000 of amounts recaptured from interest reduction payment contracts for section 236 projects whose owners prepay their mortgages during fiscal year 1997 shall be rescinded: Provided further. That an owner of eligible low-income housing may prepay the mortgage or request voluntary termination of a mortgage insurance contract, so long as said owner agrees not to raise rents for sixty days after such prepayment: Provided further. That such developments have been determined to have preservation equity at least equal to the lesser of $5,000 per unit or $500,000 per project or the equivalent of eight times the most recently published monthly fair market rent for the area in which the project is located as the appropriate unit size for all of the units in the eligible project: Provided further. That the Secretary may modify the regulatory agreement to permit owners and priority purchasers to retain rental income in excess of the basic rental charge in projects assisted under section 236 of the National Housing Act, for the purpose of preserving the low- and moderate-income character of the housing: Provided further. That eligible low-income housing shall include properties meeting the requirements of this paragraph with mortgages that are held by a State agency as a result of a sale by the Secretary without insurance, which immediately before the sale would have been eligible low-income housing under LIHPRHA: Provided further. That notwithstanding any other provision of law, subject to the availability of appropriated funds, each low-income family, and moderate-income family who is elderly or disabled or is residing in a low-vacancy area, residing in the housing on the date of