Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 4.djvu/705

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PUBLIC LAW 104-208—SEPT. 30, 1996 110 STAT. 3009 -542 unit and located below the headworks of the city of Portland, Oregon's water storage and delivery project, and as depicted in a map dated July 22, 1996 and entitled "Bull Run River Drainage". (2) PERMITTED CUTTING.— (A) IN GENERAL. — Subject to subparagraph (B), the Secretary of Agriculture shall prohibit the cutting of trees in the area described in paragraph (1). (B) PERMITTED CUTTING.— Subject to subparagraph (C), the Secretary may only allow the cutting of trees in the area described in paragraph (1)— (i) for the protection or enhancement of water quality in the area described in paragraph (1); or (ii) for the protection, enhancement, or maintenance of water quantity available from the area described in paragraph (1); or (iii) for the construction, expansion, protection or maintenance of municipal water supply facilities; or (iv) for the construction, expansion, protection or maintenance of facilities for the transmission of energy through and over the unit or previously authorized hydroelectric facilities or hydroelectric projects associated with municipal water supply facilities. (C) SALVAGE SALES.— The Secretary of Agriculture may not authorize a salvage sale in the area described in paragraph (1)." (b) Redesignate subsequent subsections of Public Law 95-200 16 USC 482b accordingly. ^°^- SEC. 605. REPORT TO CONGRESS. (a) The Secretary of Agriculture shall, in consultation with the city of Portland and other affected parties, undertake a study of that part of the Little Sandy Watershed that is within the unit (hereinafter referred to as the "study area"), as depicted on the map described in section 604 of this title. (b) The study referred to in (a) shall determine— (1) the impact of management activities within the study area on the quality of drinking water provided to the Portland Metropolitan area; (2) the identify and location of certain ecological features within the study area, including late successional forest characteristics, aquatic and terrestrial wildlife habitat, significant hydrological values, or other outstanding natural features; and (3) the location and extent of any significant cultural or other values within the study area. (c) The study referred to in subsection (a) shall include both legislative and regulatory recommendations to Congress on the future management of the study area. In formulating such recommendations, the Secretary shall consult with the city of Portland and other affected parties. (d) To the greatest extent possible, the Secretary shall use existing data and processes to carry out this study and report. (e) The study referred to in subsection (a) shall be submitted to the Senate Committees on Energy and Natural Resources and 29-194O-96 - 23:QL3Part4