Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 4.djvu/710

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110 STAT. 3009 -547 PUBLIC LAW 104-208—SEPT. 30, 1996 from interior stations. Sec. 112. Nationwide fingerprinting of apprehended aliens. Subtitle B—Facilitation of Legal Entry Sec. 121. Land border inspectors. Sec. 122. Land border inspection and automated permit pilot projects. Sec. 123. Preinspection at foreign airports. Sec. 124. Training of airline personnel in detection of fraudulent documents. Sec. 125. Preclearance authority. Subtitle C—Interior Enforcement Sec. 131. Authorization of appropriations for increase in number of certain investigators. Sec. 132. Authorization of appropriations for increase in number of investigators of visa overstayers. Sec. 133. Acceptance of State services to carry out immigration enforcement. Sec. 134. Minimum State INS presence. TITLE II—ENHANCED ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES AGAINST ALIEN SMUGGLING; DOCUMENT FRAUD Subtitle A—Enhanced Enforcement and Penalties Against Alien Smuggling Sec. 201. Wiretap authority for investigations of alien smuggling or docume nt fraud. Sec. 202. Racketeering offenses relating to alien smuggling. Sec. 203. Increased criminal penalties for alien smuggling. Sec. 204. Increased number of assistant United States Attorneys. Sec. 205. Undercover investigation authority. Subtitle B—Deterrence of Document Fraud Sec. 211. Increased criminal penalties for fraudulent use of governmentissued documents. Sec. 212. New document fraud ofiTenses; new civil penalties for document fraud. Sec. 213. New criminal penalty for failure to disclose role as preparer of false application for immigration beneHts. Sec. 214. Criminal penalty for knowingly presenting document which fails to contain reasonable basis in law or fact. Sec. 215. Criminal penalty for false claim to citizenship. Sec. 216. Criminal penalty for voting by aliens in Federal election. Sec. 217. Criminal forfeiture for passport and visa related offenses. Sec. 218. Penalties for involuntary servitude. Sec. 219. Admissibility of videotaped witness testimony.