Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 4.djvu/712

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110 STAT. 3009 -549 PUBLIC LAW 104-208—SEPT. 30, 1996 Sec. 342. Incitement of terrorist activity and provision of false documentation to terrorists as a basis for exclusion from the United States. Sec. 343. Certification requirements for foreign health-care workers. Sec. 344. Removal of aliens falsely claiming United States citizenship. Sec. 345. Waiver of exclusion and deportation ground for certain section 274C violators. Sec. 346. Inadmissibility of certain student visa abusers. Sec. 347. Removal of aliens who have unlawfully voted. Sec. 348. Waivers for immigrants convicted of crimes. Sec. 349. Waiver of misrepresentation ground of inadmissibility for certain alien. Sec. 350. Offenses of domestic violence and stalking as ground for deportation. Sec. 351. Clarification of date as of which relationship required for waiver from exclusion or deportation for smuggling. Sec. 352. Exclusion of former citizens who renounced citizenship to avoid United States taxation. Sec. 353. References to changes elsewhere in division. Subtitle D—Changes in Removal of Alien Terrorist Provisions Sec. 354. Treatment of classified information. Sec. 355. Exclusion of representatives of terrorist organizations. Sec. 356. Standard for judicial review of terrorist organization designations. Sec. 357. Removal of ancillary relief for voluntary departure. Sec. 368. Effective date. Subtitle E—Transportation of Aliens Sec. 361. Definition of stowaway. Sec. 362. Transportation contracts. Subtitle F—Additional Provisions Sec. 371. Immigration judges and compensation. Sec. 372. Delegation of immigration enforcement authority. Sec. 373. Powers and duties of the Attorney General and the Commissioner. Sec. 374. Judicial deportation. Sec. 375. Limitation on adjustment of status. Sec. 376. Treatment of certain fees. Sec. 377. Limitation on legalization litigation. Sec. 378. Rescission of lawful permanent resident status. Sec. 379. Administrative review of orders. Sec. 380. Civil penalties for failure to depart. Sec. 381. Clarification of district court jurisdiction. Sec. 382. Application of additional civil penalties to enforcement.