Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 5.djvu/213

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PUBLIC LAW 104-264—OCT. 9, 1996 110 STAT. 3287 (B) if such voyage or segment includes or consists of a segment— "(i) that begins and ends in the same State; "(ii) that is part of a voyage to another State or to a foreign country; and "(iii) in which the vessel reaches the other State or foreign country within 3 days after leaving the State in which such segment begins.". SEC. 1223. CLARIFYING AMENDMENT. Section 1 of the Railway Labor Act (45 U.S.C. 151) is amended by inserting ", any express company that would have been subject to subtitle IV of title 49, United States Code, as of December 31, 1995," after "Board" the first place it appears in the first paragraph. Approved October 9, 1996. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 3539 (S. 1994): HOUSE REPORTS: Nos. 104-714, Pt. 1 (Comm. on Transportation and Infrastructure) and 104-848 (Comm. of Conference). SENATE REPORTS: No. 104-333 accompanying S. 1994 (Comm. on Commerce, Science, and Transportation). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 142 (1996): Sept. 10,11, considered and passed House. Sept. 18, considered and passed Senate, amended, in lieu of S. 1994. Sept. 27, House agreed to conference report. Sept. 30-Oct. 3, Senate considered and agreed to conference report. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Vol. 32 (1996): Oct. 9, Presidential remarks and statement.