Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 5.djvu/265

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PUBLIC LAW 104-275—OCT. 9, 1996 110 STAT. 3339 SEC. 404. INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED MEMBERS CONCERNING AUTOMATIC MAXIMUM COVERAGE OF $200,000 UNDER SERVICEMEN'S GROUP LIFE INSURANCE. Section 1967, as amended by section 402(b), is further amended by inserting sifter subsection (c) the following new subsection (d): "(d) Whenever a member has the opportunity to meike an election under subsection (a) not to be insured under this subchapter, or to be insured under this subchapter in an amount less than the maximum amount of $200,000, and at such other times periodically thereafter as the Secretary concerned considers appropriate, the Secretary concerned shall furnish to the member general information concerning life insurance. Such information shall include— "(1) the purpose and role of life insurance in financial planning; "(2) the difference between term life insurance and whole life insurance; "(3) the availability of commercial life insurance; and "(4) the relationship between Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance and Veterans' Group Life Insurance.". SEC. 406. RENAMING OF SERVICEMEN'S C»OUP LIFE INSURANCE PRO- GRAM. (a) IN GENERAL. —The program of insurance operated by the 38 USC 1965 Secretary of Veterans Affairs under subchapter III of chapter 19 »«*«. of title 38, United States Code, is hereby redesignated as the Servicemembers'Group Ijfe Insurance program. Ob) AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 19.— Chapter 19 is amended asfollows: (1) The following provisions are amended by striking out '^rvicemen's Group Life Insurance" each place it appears and inserting in lieu thereof "Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance": (A) Subsecti(ms (a), (c), and (e) of section 1967. (B) Section 1968(b). j (C)Subsecti(ms(a)throu|^(d)ofsecti(»i 19^. \ (D) Subsections (a), (f), and (g) of section 1970. (E)Secti(m 1971(b). I (F) Section 1973. T (G) The first sentence of section 1974Ka). (H) Subsections (a), (d>, and (g) of section 1977. (2)(A) The heading of subchapter III is amended to read asfollows: I " SUBCHAPTER III—SERVICEMEMBERS' GROUP LIFE; INSURANCE". ( (B) The heading of secticm 1974 is amended to read as follows: ' "§1974. Advisory Council on Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance". (3) The table of sections at the beginning of the chapter is amended— (A) by striking out the item relating to subchapter III and inserting in lieu thereof the following: