Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 5.djvu/633

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PUBLIC LAW 104-303 —OCT. 12, 1996 110 STAT. 3707 July 15, 1994, at a total cost of $90,850,000, with an estimated Federal cost of $59,150,000 and an estimated non-Federal cost of $31,700,000. The non-Federal share of project costs and any available credits toward the non-Federal share shall be calculated on the basis of the total cost of the combined project. (3) SAN LUIS REY, CALIFORNIA. — The project for flood control of the San Luis Rey River, California, authorized pursuant to section 201 of the Flood Control Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 1962d-5; 79 Stat. 1073-1074), is modified to authorize the Secretary to construct the project substantially in accordance with the report of the Corps of Engineers dated May 23, 1996, at a total cost of $81,600,000, with an estimated Federal cost of $61,100,000 and an estimated non-Federal cost of $20,500,000. (4) POTOMAC RIVER, WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. — The project for flood control, Potomac River, Washington, District of Columbia, authorized by section 5 of the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the construction of certain public works on rivers and harbors for flood control, and for other purposes", approved June 22, 1936 (49 Stat. 1574), is modified to authorize the Secretary to construct the project substsintially in accordsince with the General Design Memorandum dated May 1992 at a Federal cost of $1,800,000; except that a temporary closure may be used instead of a permanent structure at 17th Street. Operation and maintenance of the project shall be a Federal responsibility. (5) NORTH BRANCH OF CHICAGO RIVER, ILLINOIS.—The project for flood control. North Branch of the Chicago River, Illinois, authorized by section 401(a) of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (100 Stat. 4115), is modified to authorize the Secretary— (A) to carry out the project substantially in accordance with the report of the Corps of Engineers dated May 26, 1994, at a total cost of $34,228,000, with an estimated Federal cost of $20,905,000 and an estimated non-Federal cost of $13,323,000; and (B) to reimburse the city of Deerfield, Illinois, an amount not to exceed $38,500 for a flood control study financed by the city if the Secretary determines that the study is necessary to address residual damages in areas upstream of Reservoir 29A. (6) HALSTEAD, KANSAS. —The project for flood control, Halstead, Kansas, authorized by section 401(a) of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (100 Stat. 4116), is modified to authorize the Secretary to carry out the project substantially in accordance with the report of the Corps of Engineers dated March 19, 1993, at a total cost of $11,100,000, with an estimated Federal cost of $8,325,000 and an estimated non-Federal cost of $2,775,000. (7) CAPE GIRARDEAU, MISSOURI.—The project for flood control. Cape Girardeau, Jackson Metropolitan Area, Missouri, authorized by section 401(a) of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (100 Stat. 4118-4119), is modified to authorize the Secretary to construct the project substantially in accordance with the report of the Corps of Engineers dated July 18, 1994, including implementation of nonstructural measures,