Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 5.djvu/693

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PUBLIC LAW 104-303 —OCT. 12, 1996 110 STAT. 3767 (b) CONSULTATION WITH FEDERAL ENTITIES.— Any project under subsection (a) that is located on lands owned by the United States shall be undertaken in consultation with the Federal entity with administrative jurisdiction over such lands. (c) FEDERAL SHARE. —The Federal share of the cost of the activities conducted under subsection (a) shall be 50 percent; except that, with respect to projects located on lands owned by the United States, the Federal share shall be 100 percent. (d) EFFECT ON AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR.— Nothing in this section is intended to affect the authority of the Secretary of the Interior under title IV of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (30 U.S.C. 1231 et seq.). (e) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. —There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $1,500,000. SEC. 527. FAULKNER ISLAND, CONNECTICUT. In consultation with the Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Secretary shall design and construct shoreline protection measures for the coastline adjacent to the Faulkner Island Lighthouse, Connecticut, at a total cost of $4,500,000. SEC. 528. EVERGLADES AND SOUTH FLORIDA ECOSYSTEM RESTORA- TION. (a) DEFINITIONS.— In this section, the following definitions apply: (1) CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN FLORIDA PROJECT. — The term "Central and Southern Florida Project" means the project for Central and Southern Florida authorized under the heading " CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN FLORIDA" in section 203 of the Flood Control Act of 1948 (62 Stat. 1176), and any modification to the project authorized by law. (2) COMMISSION. —The term "Commission" means the Governor's Commission for a Sustainable South Florida, established by Executive Order of the Governor dated March 3, 1994. (3) GOVERNOR.— The term "Governor" means the Governor of the State of Florida. (4) SOUTH FLORIDA ECOSYSTEM.— The term "South Florida ecosystem" means the area consisting of the lands and waters within the boundary of the South Florida Water Management District, including the Everglades, the Florida Keys, and the contiguous near-shore coastal waters of South Florida. (5) TASK FORCE.— The term "Task Force" means the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force established by subsection (f). (b) RESTORATION ACTIVITIES.— (1) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. — (A) DEVELOPMENT.— (i) PURPOSE.— The Secretary shall develop, as expeditiously as practicable, a proposed comprehensive plan for the purpose of restoring, preserving, and protecting the South Florida ecosystem. The comprehensive plan shall provide for the protection of water quality in, and the reduction of the loss of fresh water from, the Everglades. The comprehensive plan shall include such features as are necessary to provide for the water-related needs of the region, including flood control, the enhancement of water supplies, and