Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 6.djvu/202

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110 STAT. 4024 PUBLIC LAW 104-330—OCT. 26, 1996 income families in the jurisdiction of the Indian tribe during the period. (2) GOALS AND OBJECTIVES.— ^A statement of the goals and objectives of the Indian tribe to enable the tribe to serve the needs identified in paragraph (1) during the period. (3) ACTIVITIES PLAN.— An overview of the activities planned during the period including an anedysis of the manner in which the activities will enable the tribe to meet its mission, goals, and objectives. (c) 1-YEAR PLAN.— A housing plan under this section for an Indian tribe shall be in a form prescribed by the Secretary and contain the following information relating to the upcoming fiscal year for which the assistance under this Act is to be made available: (1) GOALS AND OBJECTIVES. —^A statement of the goals and objectives to be accomplished during that period. (2) STATEMENT OF NEEDS.—^A statement of the housing needs of the low-income Indian families residing in the jurisdiction of the Indian tribe and the means by which such needs will be addressed during the period, including— (A) a description of the estimated housing needs and the need for assistance for the low-income Indian families in the jurisdiction, including a description of the manner in which the geographical distribution of assistance is consistent with the geographical needs and needs for various categories of housing assistance; and (B) a description of the estimated housing needs for all Indian families in the jurisdiction. (3) FINANCIAL RESOURCES.—An operating budget for the recipient, in a form prescribed by the Secretary, that includes— (A) an identification and a description of the financial resources reasonably available to the recipient to carry out the purposes of this Act, including an explanation of the manner in which amounts made available will leverage additional resources; and (B) the uses to which such resources will be committed, including eligible and required affordable housing activities under title II and administrative expenses. (4) AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESOURCES.— A statement of the affordable housing resources currently available and to be made available during the period, including— (A) a description of the significant characteristics of the housing market in the jurisdiction, including the availability of housing from other public sources, private market housing, and the manner in which such characteristics influence the decision of the recipient to use grant amounts to be provided under this Act for rental assistance, production of new units, acquisition of existing units, or rehabilitation of units; (B) a description of the structure, coordination, and means of cooperation between the recipient and any other governmental entities in the development, submission, or implementation of housing plans, including a description of the involvement of private, public, and nonprofit organizations and institutions, and the use of loan guarantees under section 184 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992, and other housing assistance